Thursday, March 19, 2015

Random photos from 2015

My sweet Jonathan loves his long hair...Mama does too!

Jon came in 3rd place for his entire school in this year's spelling be. His last work was savvy....tough one!
We've had some beautiful spring weather already and ventured out to the park
First day of was freezing and tiring, but they are so glad to be playing again!

Josh is playing JV soccer as a 7th grader. He is a starter and plays right wing (offense and defense). We love to watch him play! 
Josh behind the goalie

Josh ready to play with Starr Recreation against CESA in Greenville

Josh made the sports page of our local paper while at his first ever JV game!

Taken last year, but I just love this picture of my princess

At the skating rink for her friend Trinity's birthday party

My fuzzy wuzzy, before he shaved it all handsome with or without the beard!