Have you ever just done something year after year, simply because you've always done it that way? Why do we do this? I guess maybe because we are creatures of habit, or afraid of change. Or maybe, like many times for me, it's easier and I can be lazy when it comes to change. I was thinking about this while cooking our Thanksgiving meal this year. Every year I make mashed potatoes. Every year they go to waste. This year, I asked everyone what they wanted besides turkey. I got a list of things that I don't usually make, so I decided to try them all. Dinner turned out to be one of the best ones yet, and no mashed potatoes! It got me thinking, what else am I doing just out of habit? Am I spinning my wheels on things that no one cares about? Worse yet, am I doing things that don't even matter to God, who I care most about pleasing? Who knew mashed potatoes could teach me such a lesson. It has made me take a look around me, and grasp a better perspective on what really matters...on who really matters. It's been a wonderful Thanksgiving, and I have so much to be thankful for.