What a beautiful truth.
I was unexpected, not in the "plan". Money was tight. There were already 6 children. Dispair asked the doctor to discuss "options" with my mother. Options between life or death. Between living or dying. God had a plan. His plan was for good and not evil. To give me a future and a hope. She chose LIFE. Thank you Mom for keeping me. Inspite of the hardship, the fears, the uncertanty. Thank you for following God's plan and not man's. I am eternally grateful.
And while she carried me inside, with all of her emotions of fear and dispair, a search began that changed the course of her destiny forever. Not only her life, but of all those around her. While laying in bed, pregnant with the life she chose to keep, she heard a man on the radio explain about Someone that would change her life forever. One who would never leave her or forsake her. One who could take hard times and turn them into good. One who could forgive her of her sins, love her unconditionally, walk with her through anything. Jesus.
Her tough decision led her straight into the best choice she could ever make. Forgiveness. Freedom. Transformation. A new creation. It was contagious, and spread over time. Her mother, her sister, her brother-in-law. Her husband, her children. Her grandchildren. Her nieces and nephews. Even her hard-hearted father. She met the One who chose her from before time was. He accepted her just as she was. And she was forever grateful for the new life He gave.
So many lives touched and changed for all eternity by the choice of one mother who chose life. Both the life of the one she carried, and New life in Christ.
"This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live." Deuteronomy 30:19