It has been so much fun (and overwhelming at times!)unpacking all of our boxes that we have had in storage for months. It's funny how our old things fit nicely in our new home, and look even better now than before. I have especially enjoyed watching Jonathan unpack various toys and games that he had forgotten all about, and shout with glee as if they were brand new presents on Christmas Day! Maybe next Christmas, I should just hide some toys for a few months before, and he'll be ecstatic when he opens them! But seriously, sometimes we don't know what we have until it's gone...and if if comes back to us, it's as if it were our most prized possessions.
I have finished our extra bathroom with a seascape motif...I just love the vastness of the ocean and how small I feel when I am next to it. There is a peace and calm where I am near the water. I am going to try to continue that theme into our living room, which is adjacent to the bathroom. Things are coming along little by little, and I am grateful for a garage where I can just shut the door when I have reached my decorating limits. This past weekend, we set up the big soccer goal, and Luis, Josh, Jonathan, our pastor's daughter Caitlyn, and a neighborhood boy had an intense match going on in the back yard. I recently discovered that our town of Belton here has a summer soccer camp and fall the boys will be playing again in no time. We are also planning a NY trip this summer. I am determined NOT to chicken out this year, as Luis will not be able to go with us. One of my dearest friends lives half way, and she has graciously extended her home to us to spend the night. It will be nice to be home in central New York, and even nicer just to sit and visit with my family.