I finished reading our Pastor's new book, The Necessity of an Enemy in three days. For those of you who know how much I love to read (note the sarcasm), that's saying something in itself about the book! Part of it's attraction is that it was written by Pastor Ron who has been our Pastor for almost a year now and has deposited so much life changing word in us it's unbelievable. But more so, this book has revolutionized the way I view the reasons for enemies and difficult situations in my own life.
Today, in my daily Bible reading, I read the part in Genesis about the story of Joseph. (If you are unfamiliar with this story, I encourage you to click here and read it again.) I have read this passage probably hundreds of times, as I really love the old testament accounts. But this time, I read it with new eyes. Let me explain. If you recall the passage, it starts with Joseph, and his dreaming self. It made me remember all the dreams I have had...all the words spoken to me from God that I have hidden in my heart even though I still see no way for some of them to come to pass. Sometimes I just resolve that maybe it wasn't really from God, maybe it was just my imagination and my own desire to be used by God. I try to dismiss it, but deep down inside, there is just an unshakable feeling that it is still part of the plan God has for me to walk through. I imagine Joseph might have felt the same way, especially when he was riding in the caravan of merchants to Egypt as nothing more than a slave. I bet he was saying something to the effect of, "Why did I open my mouth to my brothers in the first place? Look at the mess that my dream has gotten me into now!" But looking back on it, his brothers, appearing as enemies, were actually the tools needed to reposition Joseph-to bring him to a place where he never would have reached, had he stayed in the comfort and security of his father's house. When we view enemies in that light, they appear to be more of a friend than a foe! Of course, this made me think of the time when Luis and I moved to Arizona. At that point in our newly married life, we were in desperate need of a complete overhaul. Every road in South Carolina lead to a dead end. There was no help in sight. Then God used what appeared to be a bad situation to reposition us so that we could stay on the path intended for us. Oh, I am sure that many people would say that we were in rebellion, not hearing from God, and ignoring Godly counsel, but the fact of the matter was that God had something for us in a different place, and ultimately, our trials and conflicts were the very stepping stones that put us on the right path again. I no longer detest the conflict that we experienced, although it was so painful at the time. I know that because ultimately we loved God and wanted to follow him completely, He worked the seemingly horrible situation into something beautiful. I don't view the people who came against us as enemies, but rather tools that God used to move us on to our next position on the pathway towards the destiny planned for us. When we take this view, and look back at Joseph, suddenly everything changes. Potipher's wife, who tried to seduce Joseph, was merely a tool used by God to move Joseph from the position of being a servant to one of Pharaoh's officials (which was probably a pretty comfortable place to be) to being second in command of all of Egypt after Pharaoh (which is where he was destined to fulfill the dream God had given him many years prior.) In our fleshly minds, we think it would be so nice if life was pleasant and comfortable all the time, but what if in settling for comfort, we never reach the destiny God has for us? NOT WORTH IT!!
So, in looking at my life right now (and yours), are there things that are acting like enemies in the way? Does it seem like there is a road block and no way out? As Pastor Ron says in his book, be thankful! It's a sign that you're season is about to change and your position is shifting. That gets me so excited because we have been facing a tough battle for a while now-and it may be the same for you, too. Hold on! Don't give up! Don't settle for comfort, but push through the tough times, the pain and the frustration! The season is about to change!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Heaven on Earth-David and Nicole Binion
This song really epitomizes what I have been feeling for the last few days. There has been a shift in the spirit and I feel like something is about to break loose. Here are the lyrics:
Heaven on Earth
David and Nicole Binion
The spirit of the Lord is upon me
His anointing is empowering
The Kingdom of the Lord is within me
And He’s calling me to the heavenlies
Be seated in heavenly places
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
To be walking in His favor and grace is
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
Heaven, Heaven on Earth
Marching in the spirit of unity
To our community, show His ability
The will of the Lord for His children
Is to demonstrate perpetuate
Be seated in heavenly places
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
To be walking in His favor and grace is
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
Heaven, Heaven on Earth
Something’s moving! Something’s changing!
See His glory! Feels like Heaven on Earth!
Something’s moving! Something’s changing!
See His glory! Feels like Heaven on Earth!
Lightning and thunder! Miracles and wonders!
The sound of many waters! Heaven on Earth!
Lightning and thunder! Miracles and wonders!
The sound of many waters! Heaven on Earth!
Heaven; Heaven on Earth
Heaven is calling for you to come higher!
To see everything from a new point of view.
To be seated with Jesus in Heavenly places
From His perspective everything is made new
There is Lightning and thunder! Miracles and wonders!
The sound of many waters! Heaven on Earth!
Heaven on Earth
David and Nicole Binion
The spirit of the Lord is upon me
His anointing is empowering
The Kingdom of the Lord is within me
And He’s calling me to the heavenlies
Be seated in heavenly places
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
To be walking in His favor and grace is
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
Heaven, Heaven on Earth
Marching in the spirit of unity
To our community, show His ability
The will of the Lord for His children
Is to demonstrate perpetuate
Be seated in heavenly places
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
To be walking in His favor and grace is
Just like Heaven, just like Heaven on Earth
Heaven, Heaven on Earth
Something’s moving! Something’s changing!
See His glory! Feels like Heaven on Earth!
Something’s moving! Something’s changing!
See His glory! Feels like Heaven on Earth!
Lightning and thunder! Miracles and wonders!
The sound of many waters! Heaven on Earth!
Lightning and thunder! Miracles and wonders!
The sound of many waters! Heaven on Earth!
Heaven; Heaven on Earth
Heaven is calling for you to come higher!
To see everything from a new point of view.
To be seated with Jesus in Heavenly places
From His perspective everything is made new
There is Lightning and thunder! Miracles and wonders!
The sound of many waters! Heaven on Earth!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Level Up
The first of January, I started reading the Bible in chronological order. Starting in Genesis with creation through Noah and the flood. Then it jumps to the book of Job. Let me just say that I was following a reading plan from Bible Gateway that would take me through three to four scriptures a day. Have you ever read the book of Job? There are 42 chapters, 37 of which depict his physical and emotional suffering, and the less than constructive words of his well meaning, dreadfully misguided friends. As I read according to the plan, I found myself so discouraged right along with Job. I could almost feel his anguish. Then, I would stop after three chapters, and come back the next day to feel it all over again. As strange as this may sound, I started to decline right along with Job. OK, I'm sure I have no idea what Job actually suffered, but I found myself just empty after reading everyday. So, today, I read through about 20 chapters and finished the book. The more I read, the more I knew I needed to keep reading because once I got through all of Job's bitter account, and after wading through all of his friends two cents worth of bad advice, I knew God was going to set all things straight. I knew eventually, if I didn't stop reading, as tedious as it was to process all of the words and accusations and grasping at straws, of everyone trying to figure out why Job was passing through this horrible life of heartache, agony, ridicule, and reading the words of Job himself despising the day of his birth, wishing he could just go to his grave, I just knew God would speak. I reached chapter 38, and read the words I had longed to hear, "Then the LORD answered Job..." YES! There it was. Finally, I had reached the mountain top!
I am still amazed that it was actually God who initiated the whole deal with the devil, and suggested Job be the target of Satan's next attempted demise. It's so easy to blame the devil for everything, and don't get me wrong, I am sure that Satan loved every minute of the torture he was allowed to inflict on Job, but that's just it-GOD allowed him to do it. While Job was living "the good life" on one level, here was this conversation in the heavenlies, a battle for devotion, a holy wager, if you will, going on in a place completely unbeknownst to Job. Then, as if out of nowhere, he was blindsided by the deaths of all his children, losing everything he had and becoming so sick, so detestable that even his closest friends had to sit with him a whole week before daring to utter a single word because his suffering was so great. (And I whine when I break a nail.) Perhaps even more amazing is the fact that throughout this period of Job's devastation, not once did he take the advice of his wife to "Curse God and die". (Interesting wife...a whole other lesson there!) Would I have been so strong? I hope so, but until you are faced with it, no one really knows. I do know that I have sat in the seat, as Job did, while people's accusations flew, knowing they had no idea of that which they spoke, and had to bite my tongue and just trust that there was some purpose in all that I had experienced.
After all was said and done, I think one of the most powerful things that came from Jobs mouth was found in Chapter 42:5-6 that says, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Wow. Even though Job, in his own eyes had not caused all of this to come upon him through any sin or wrongdoing, once his eyes were opened and he saw God with spiritual eyes, he knew that even his righteousness was as filthy rags compared to the righteousness of God. At that moment, Job no longer thought it important to defend himself against false accusations. All that mattered was that the Most Holy God was there in all His glory, and suddenly the tiny piety that Job might had an inkling of seconds before suddenly melted away like wax in the presence of the great I AM. This excerpt of passage taught me two very valuable lessons:
1. No matter what good I do, compared to the goodness of God it's nothing, so get over it and stop feeling so puffed up over it.
2. God lives on a totally different level than I spend most of my time, even though I am doing "good" things.
The amazing truth is that God wants us to join him on his level, see things with the spiritual eyes that we were created to use, and experience God's kingdom here on earth. The sad truth is that most of the time I am content right where I am, rely far too much on these physical defective eyes, and settle for the "way less than satisfying earth's system" of living. I am thankful it doesn't have to be this way, and when I passionately seek God, He will be found. Another important lesson that can be taken from this passage is that no matter how bad our situation is, how much we seem to be suffering, how far gone we feel, God will always speak, eventually. If we can just hold on, and press through and not give up, He will talk to us. It might not be when we think he should and it might not be in the way we would do it, but in His way and His time, he promises that if we call on Him, he will answer. Holding that thought in the foreground of our mind, and seeking Him wholeheartedly, we will have momentum to keep on and not give up.
I am still amazed that it was actually God who initiated the whole deal with the devil, and suggested Job be the target of Satan's next attempted demise. It's so easy to blame the devil for everything, and don't get me wrong, I am sure that Satan loved every minute of the torture he was allowed to inflict on Job, but that's just it-GOD allowed him to do it. While Job was living "the good life" on one level, here was this conversation in the heavenlies, a battle for devotion, a holy wager, if you will, going on in a place completely unbeknownst to Job. Then, as if out of nowhere, he was blindsided by the deaths of all his children, losing everything he had and becoming so sick, so detestable that even his closest friends had to sit with him a whole week before daring to utter a single word because his suffering was so great. (And I whine when I break a nail.) Perhaps even more amazing is the fact that throughout this period of Job's devastation, not once did he take the advice of his wife to "Curse God and die". (Interesting wife...a whole other lesson there!) Would I have been so strong? I hope so, but until you are faced with it, no one really knows. I do know that I have sat in the seat, as Job did, while people's accusations flew, knowing they had no idea of that which they spoke, and had to bite my tongue and just trust that there was some purpose in all that I had experienced.
After all was said and done, I think one of the most powerful things that came from Jobs mouth was found in Chapter 42:5-6 that says, "My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” Wow. Even though Job, in his own eyes had not caused all of this to come upon him through any sin or wrongdoing, once his eyes were opened and he saw God with spiritual eyes, he knew that even his righteousness was as filthy rags compared to the righteousness of God. At that moment, Job no longer thought it important to defend himself against false accusations. All that mattered was that the Most Holy God was there in all His glory, and suddenly the tiny piety that Job might had an inkling of seconds before suddenly melted away like wax in the presence of the great I AM. This excerpt of passage taught me two very valuable lessons:
1. No matter what good I do, compared to the goodness of God it's nothing, so get over it and stop feeling so puffed up over it.
2. God lives on a totally different level than I spend most of my time, even though I am doing "good" things.
The amazing truth is that God wants us to join him on his level, see things with the spiritual eyes that we were created to use, and experience God's kingdom here on earth. The sad truth is that most of the time I am content right where I am, rely far too much on these physical defective eyes, and settle for the "way less than satisfying earth's system" of living. I am thankful it doesn't have to be this way, and when I passionately seek God, He will be found. Another important lesson that can be taken from this passage is that no matter how bad our situation is, how much we seem to be suffering, how far gone we feel, God will always speak, eventually. If we can just hold on, and press through and not give up, He will talk to us. It might not be when we think he should and it might not be in the way we would do it, but in His way and His time, he promises that if we call on Him, he will answer. Holding that thought in the foreground of our mind, and seeking Him wholeheartedly, we will have momentum to keep on and not give up.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
From the Inside Out
Today was a monumental day-the crib is gone. For over two years, my sweet little girl has spent just about every sleeping moment in that crib. I finished cleaning out her room, and getting her "big girl bed" made with her freshly laundered linens. She tried out her new bed at nap time. It took her forever to settle down, but finally she drifted off and I snuck out of the room. A couple hours later, I heard her stirring and jabbering. I wondered what she would do, since it was the first time she had the ability to get out of bed herself. After about five minutes, I sent my middle son (who was dying to go in and see what his sister was doing) in to her room. To my surprise, she wasn't even out of the bed. With all the toys in her room, and stuffed animals to pretend with, she decided to stay right there in her bed. It was as though there were still crib walls surrounding her, and she didn't even attempt to get out. In her mind, I guess she was still the little baby who needed someone to lift her out of the crib.
When Luis and I moved to Arizona, we physically picked up everything and left. We didn't just change our surroundings, but also the way we viewed our marriage. We left all the defeated labels back in Beaufort, all the nay saying remarks that doomed our relationship, all the misguided words that did nothing to build up. We realized that true change meant that we had to change from the inside out. Only then, would the change be long lasting. Only then would we be an invincible team, and with God, a three strand cord that is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
On the contrary, there are so many people who live just like my sweet girl in her bed. They change their hair style, wardrobe, zip code...sometimes even their spouse, but they still look at everything with the same eyes as before. Consequently, even when freedom is well within their grip, the imaginary walls of pride, stagnant status quo attitudes and preconceived notions are their mental jail. Even though everything has changed all around them, they themselves are still just the same. All the effort expelled to make the gigantic life alterations only amounted to wasted energy, time and money. Same old attitudes. Same old problems. Same old everything.
Thank you Lord, that you desire to change us from the inside out. You are more concerned with our heart, and its condition than what we wear, where we live or what our net worth amounts to. The funny thing is, when the change comes from the inside, all the other external areas change with time for the better. Two for the price of one-I'll take it!
Just had to add this picture from tonight. Lily fell asleep right away! (Looks like Barney is enjoying his new bed as well!)
When Luis and I moved to Arizona, we physically picked up everything and left. We didn't just change our surroundings, but also the way we viewed our marriage. We left all the defeated labels back in Beaufort, all the nay saying remarks that doomed our relationship, all the misguided words that did nothing to build up. We realized that true change meant that we had to change from the inside out. Only then, would the change be long lasting. Only then would we be an invincible team, and with God, a three strand cord that is not easily broken. (Ecclesiastes 4:12)
On the contrary, there are so many people who live just like my sweet girl in her bed. They change their hair style, wardrobe, zip code...sometimes even their spouse, but they still look at everything with the same eyes as before. Consequently, even when freedom is well within their grip, the imaginary walls of pride, stagnant status quo attitudes and preconceived notions are their mental jail. Even though everything has changed all around them, they themselves are still just the same. All the effort expelled to make the gigantic life alterations only amounted to wasted energy, time and money. Same old attitudes. Same old problems. Same old everything.
Thank you Lord, that you desire to change us from the inside out. You are more concerned with our heart, and its condition than what we wear, where we live or what our net worth amounts to. The funny thing is, when the change comes from the inside, all the other external areas change with time for the better. Two for the price of one-I'll take it!
Just had to add this picture from tonight. Lily fell asleep right away! (Looks like Barney is enjoying his new bed as well!)
Friday, December 30, 2011
First and foremost, no we are not expecting...but my sister-in-law is, and any day now. We just got home from a wonderful visit with Luis's family in Hampton. David's wife is expecting her second baby, and it brought me back to the days right before I delivered my own three little ones. I remember wondering how it was all going to work out, worrying about all the details, dreading the actual labor. And how, with each pregnancy, God had made such a wonderful plan and put people in our path who were so supportive. I remember being pregnant in Arizona with my oldest. Scared to death of the delivery. The only one that might have been more nervous than me was Luis. When Josh arrived, so did my parents 4 hours later. Mom gave me a crash course in Babies 101, Dad was there for moral support and to love on us. It was more perfect than I could have imagined. Then, when I was getting close to have Jonathan, my friend (who just happened to be my boss and an RN) sat with me through contractions, and then in the waiting room with Josh during delivery. She was my angel sent from God, and I was so blessed to have her with us. When Lily was to be born, I was back in South Carolina, living close to my sister Mary Beth. She kept close tabs on me and my progress and was ready at a moments notice for the big event. It meant so much to me to have Mary Beth and my niece Ali there. Lily made a perfect entrance on a Sunday, when Mary Beth didn't have to work, midday so I didn't have to wake anyone, and she was able to be with our boys while I delivered Lily. Each time was perfectly orchestrated. All my worrying and fussing amounted to nothing more than a lot of wasted energy, and God worked everything out perfectly. As I spent these past few days with my sister-in-law, I saw that troubled, fearful look in her eyes. I think it's pretty normal to feel that way before you are about to give birth. I remember one of my midwives said to me that she could tell if a woman was in real labor or not by a certain look in her eyes. It's funny how we all react when we are expecting something. Be it a child, a report from a doctor or how the New Year will unfold, expectation comes in many degrees. When we walk with the Lord, our expectations are able to be so much more positive. No longer do we need to dread a result, or fear the worst in a situation, but we can rest in knowing that the God of the universe already knows the outcome of our situation, and has already made a way for us to walk through it. What a great relief to know we are not alone in our decisions, our difficulties or even out disasters.
I have a great expectation for 2012. To be honest, I have no idea what is coming our way, nevertheless, I am so excited for it to come. Even with of all the craziness of life in 2011 with the economy at a low, job markets slowing to a trickle, and people cutting back everywhere you look, it was a very good year for us in so many ways. Luis and I celebrated our 15th anniversary yesterday, reflecting on all that God has done on our behalf, despite all the battles we faced from day one. We look at our three beautiful children who are now 10, 6 and 2, and wonder what in the world we did to deserve such great kids, only to realize that they are just precious gifts from above. This, our second year in a house we really love, still in awe of all God did to make it possible for us to be where we are today. So, with a heart overflowing with thankfulness and expectation, I wait, somewhat impatiently, to see where the Parra Voyages will set sail next. Can't wait to see it all unfold, and blog it all to the glory of God. Thanks for coming along on the journey with me.
I have a great expectation for 2012. To be honest, I have no idea what is coming our way, nevertheless, I am so excited for it to come. Even with of all the craziness of life in 2011 with the economy at a low, job markets slowing to a trickle, and people cutting back everywhere you look, it was a very good year for us in so many ways. Luis and I celebrated our 15th anniversary yesterday, reflecting on all that God has done on our behalf, despite all the battles we faced from day one. We look at our three beautiful children who are now 10, 6 and 2, and wonder what in the world we did to deserve such great kids, only to realize that they are just precious gifts from above. This, our second year in a house we really love, still in awe of all God did to make it possible for us to be where we are today. So, with a heart overflowing with thankfulness and expectation, I wait, somewhat impatiently, to see where the Parra Voyages will set sail next. Can't wait to see it all unfold, and blog it all to the glory of God. Thanks for coming along on the journey with me.
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