Friday, August 20, 2021

School Days!

 Well, we all made it through the first week back in school. Morning car drop off lines almost did me in, but we all survived! Josh moved back in to college and he is so happy to be back. He is trying out the Exercise Science Major and is thinking he will make Spanish a double major rather than a minor  I can't wait to see all that God has in store for each of them!

Lily began middle school (6th grade), Jon is a Junior in High School and Josh is a Sophomore in college. When did my babies stop being babies?! (They will always be my babies!)

The elephant above was Jonathan's Summer Art Project. White colored pencil on black paper. Isn't it great!?!

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Summer Staycation 2021: Day 5

 We ventured about an hour from home to Table Rock State Park. Some hiked, others swam and some rode a paddleboat. It was a ton of fun! I am worn out!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Summer Staycation 2021: Day 4

Sleeping in is such a beautiful thing...even when sleeping in is only until 8:30am. LOL

Today was a stay-close-to-home day. Lily and I headed over to Callaham Orchard in Belton. We picked blueberries, found the perfect watermelon and fed their goats. Banana blueberry bread and muffins are cooling now. They will be our snack for tomorrow's adventure!

Monday, July 26, 2021

Summer Staycation 2021: Day 3

So, I had to make an inexpected trip to the Honda dealership, so today day got off to a slow start. Josh told me about something called Geocaching (which I had just heard of for the first time earlier today! Must be fate!) Basically. Geocaching is using a cell phone app to find certain locations where there are sometimes hidden capsules or just something interesting to see. We saw there was one right in our town, so we piled in the car and went hunting. After about 20 minutes of searching, Jonathan, my official treasure hunter, found the capsule. It had a logbook to sign and coin to take. We left something for the next person!

Our second location was in Williamston, the next town over. The clues led us to Mineral Spring Park, a place that we have been several times. To our surprise, we saw something new that we never saw before, and it happened to be the item that the Geocache app lead us to. There is a spring in the middle of the park, and people come there to drink the water. 

We all took a drink (except Jonathan) if the rest of us get Montezuma's revenge, we will know what caused it!

We really like Geocaching, and plan to do it wherever we go for the rest of the week!

Summer Staycation 2021: Day 2

Day 2 got of to a slooooow start. Mama was still recoving from the exhausting day before. So much so, that we overslept and missed church! 

Josh's friend, Blake was still with us, so I got up, made some brunch for the gang, then ran Jonathan to soccer practice. After that, we headed to Hartwell Lake for a swim. A nice, low key day!