We all have to face giants in our life. This boy (center, in the the blue...Josh is to the left in white) is Cameron. He's Josh's giant. Cameron has played soccer against Josh now for the third season in a row. Although he is the same age as Josh, Cameron is at least a head, and in some cases a head and a half taller than every player on Joshua's soccer team. They are all afraid of him. He's huge, kicks really hard, and plays nasty at times. Today, at Josh's first game of the spring season, Cameron kicked the snot out of the ball, directly into the face of one of his own teammates. I have to admit, I was relieved it was not one of ours, but I felt bad for the other boy...poor thing. When Cameron takes possession of the ball, our team parts like the red sea, to make way for him to dribble the ball down field and score. When Josh plays against Cameron, he runs slower, and is not aggressive like he usually is when he plays. It's amazing what fear can do to someone. Josh's team lost their game today, 7-5. Josh still scored 3 goals, and played pretty well, all things considered. I was talking to josh about Cameron today, and I told him that he needs to remember the story of David and Goliath...that even though David was young and much smaller in comparison to Goliath, he had God on his side because his heart was right, and he defeated the giant, much to everyone's surprise. Josh listened, and asked if he could bring a rock to the next game (jokingly, of course, but with a hint of reality). He's glad that he won't face Cameron's team again for another 4 weeks!
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