Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Next Phase

Well, I have been on my new job since June 11, and I really love it. I feel so blessed to be interpreting for Spanish speaking patients, something that is so close to my heart. It is a challenging position, with much to learn, but I am quickly finding my way. Here's a link to our department if you are interested in seeing a little about us. The AnMed Hospital System is the largest employer in our county, employing over 3400 people.


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day to my sweet, loving Dad.
Miss you so much and love you with all my heart!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Awards Day with Jonathan at Marshall Primary and Joshua at Belton Middle School

Here are some shots of Jonathan's awards day. His awards were for "A" Honor Roll for the entire year, Highest score in Math, Detailed and fancy words in writing. We are very proud of all his hard work!

Waiting for his class to be called.

Blurry, but receiving his awards from Dr. Tucker and Mrs. Cooley

After receiving his awards.

Happy faces!

Lily loves going to Jonathan's school!

Jonathan with his teacher, Mrs. Cooley. We love her!!

Kiki, Jillian and Jonathan at awards day.

Joshua had an outstanding year and his list of awards was very long:

"A" honor roll for the whole year, Highest averages in ELA and Social Studies, Panda Pride Citizen Award, PE Award, Fitness Gram, was a Young Author participant, Best Reader club, over 400% in the accelerated reading program (all he needed was 100% to meet his goal for the year), Spelling Bee classroom winner and had no demerit points for the whole year. Needless to say, we were very proud of him as well!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Giving 'Till it Hurts

Genesis 4:2-5 Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. In the course of time Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to the LordAnd Abel also brought an offering—fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock. The Lord looked with favor on Abel and his offering, but on Cain and his offering he did not look with favor.

Cain offering was of his first fruits. It was an easy offering for him. It didn't cause him any grief. It wasn't difficult for him in the least. The ground had done it's work to produce that fruit, and if that fruit was good, it's a sure bet that the tree was going to keep producing more and more of that same kind of good fruit. There was plenty to replace that which he gave to God. Is was an easy offering for Cain. Abel, on the other hand, gave a portion of the first born of his flock. A spotless offering, one that had taken several months to form and be born. This animal represented the wealth and stability of Abel. He knew that not all animals born are of an offering worthy value, and it could be a long time before he saw another animal so perfect. These are the types of animals that you hold on to. The type you protect and give special care to, because you want that animal to reproduce after it's own kind, after it's own seemingly perfect genetic makeup so that your whole flock will be strong, healthy and hold a great value. Abel offered this animal in faith, not knowing how long it would be until he saw another quite as perfect. The Lord was happy with the sacrifice that Abel made.

This was what Pastor Julio preached on last night, and while he was speaking to everyone, the Lord was speaking to me. When it comes to giving money to the Lord, I have no hesitation. My faith in that area is so great, that I know when God asks me to give something, it is for a purpose and He will provide for me all that I need. Money is not a weak point in my life. Maybe it's because I've never really had a lot. Maybe it's just that it's not where my treasure is. Regardless of the reason, I am very open handed when it comes to giving money. Everyone has a weak point. For many, it is money. Luis and I were talking last night, and he admitted for him, that's his breaking point. This year, I have watched God ask Luis to give more than he has ever in the past, and he has been obedient, even when it was difficult. He had big plans for that money. Even a Godly vision for saving it and making it grow. I believe that God gave him that vision and it's still part of the plan. But God wanted to see how tightly Luis was holding on to that resource. He wanted to see if it was holding Luis back from moving forward with God. Ultimately, it didn't because when the Lord asked that it be given as an offering, Luis opened his hand and let if go, cheerfully.

As I sat there last night listening to this preaching, the Lord began to show me where my treasure was. It wasn't in my finances. It wasn't in the things that I had materially. Not in my house or my cars. All of those things, while important for my day to day life, are not anything that would cause me great distress to offer them up to God. But the one thing that God put His finger on in my life was my children. Immediately my mind went back to Abraham, the father of nations, the promise that lied within his son Isaac. Abraham and I have a lot in common. He was willing to leave his home, his people and everything that brought comfort and security in his life to follow God. He didn't hesitate when God said go. Even though the "go" had no destination point associated with it. His treasure was not in his land, his people or in anything that he would have to leave behind. But God, in His great wisdom, knows exactly where our soft spot is. And that soft spot is connected to our heart. And the Bible says where our heart is, there our treasure is as well. When God told Abraham to offer up his son as a sacrifice to the Lord, I have to believe that God knew this was the greatest area of sacrifice for Abraham. I have to also believe that when God puts His finger on that area and says, "Give it to me", He has a purpose for doing so. Isaac was the fulfillment of a promise that was hidden deep inside of Abraham for many years. Abraham had reason to want to hold on to Isaac tightly. He had a reason for wanting to protect his son and give his the best of everything. God, knowing this, still asked Abraham to be open handed with the promise that was in the form of his son.

It's amazing to me how tightly we can hold on to the things that the Lord so freely gave us. As if we know what's better for ourselves than He does. Last night, I had to make a decision to offer my kids freely back to God. I had to accept the assignment that he had given me, in my new job that starts in one week. I had to open my hand and offer up to God the one thing that really hurt to give. Although Abraham's story ended with he and his son walking home together, mine might not take that turn of events. I have accepted that I really will have to go back to work and I really will have to leave my children in someone else's care for a season. But last night was a turning point in my heart and a place that I can look back to and say, "God, I gave the most precious thing I could, because I love you that much". I know God is pleased with my offering, because it has made more room for Him in my heart. As precious as my children are to me, He doesn't want them to have a higher priority in my heart than God does. Anything can become an idol in our lives, even our children. This was a really hard lesson for me.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Our Saturdays

Here's a peek into what we do on Saturdays at Operation Go. It's like Sunday school in the street, and I really love it! Look at all those beautiful faces!! This is SWAT (Side walk action team)...Joshua sticks out like a sore thumb! HAHA