Saturday, January 30, 2021

Jonathan's Artwork

This is acrylic on canvas. He received a grade of 105 on this one and his art teachers said "this is one to frame", so I did! It is in the livingroom where I will enjoy it every day. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Josh turns 19

 So glad we got to see Josh for his birthday weekend. It was a short visit, but a sweet one! He requested chicken enchiladas and of course we had his favorite carrot cake. Last teen year for my first born!

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Happy New Year - goodbye 2020!

Well, we are back to "normal" normal as you get with a Pandemic and our country in political chaos...but God is still on His throne, and He still has a plan!! Luis and I went back to work last week, Jon an Lily went back to school and Josh returned to college yesterday. We had so much fun during our 2 week vacation with everyone home. We went sledding (well, I watched), and we went ice skating (again, I watched!), played games, had a beautiful Christmas and just enjoyed some down time together. Poor Josh finally recovered from having his wisdom teeth removed...I will remember never to schedule that over Christmas break again-torturous to see all the Christmas goodies that you can't eat! Jonathan made Renaissance (which is equivalent to honor roll) and Josh made Honor Roll at college (earning greater than a GPA of 3.2 his first semester. Smarty pants Lily continues to get straight A's (smart like her Mama! haha) 😄 Here are some pictures of our life from December - January.

Nice close-up of my gray hairs at the skating rink with Jonathan!! Turned 49 this year....I think I'll stop there. 😄


Josh has grown since college started...or else Luis has shrunk! 

Still under the effects of the anesthesia 😆😀

Sledding somewhere near Asheville, North Carolina 

Ice Skating in Anderson, South wasn't really ice, more like some plastic substance, but same effect, without losing the feeling in your toes from the bitter cold....

These kids of mine are growing so fast...trying to soak up every minute I can while they are still in the nest, or at least partially in the nest! 🐣🐤🐥