Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Potty Party Picnic

Ha! Try saying that three times fast...anyway, she's done it! Lily is officially diaper free! To celebrate, we went to the elementary school for a picnic and some playground fun.

It was FREEZING....well, not like winter in NY freezing, but like in the forties freezing so we only stayed about an hour. I packed sandwiches for Lily and Josh and chicken tacos for the rest of us (which were delicious!)
So the sun was going to set soon and we starting packing things up...and Lily comes running to me telling me she went poo-poo in her panties. All I could do was laugh...until I remembered I didn't bring diapers or wipes. Good-bye diaper days-you served us well, but we never want to see you again! 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy 11th Birthday, Joshua!!

Lily and I made Joshua lasagna for dinner and his cake. I love how she's looking at him in this picture. She really adores her big brothers!

Jonathan was worried about how quickly the candles were melting! haha

Mexican tradtion-birthday boy biting his cake!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Sheryl Brady-

Click on this link to hear a dynamic word from Sheryl Brady last night at our church. She is fantastic and I always love hearing her speak. I think you will be blessed too!

Fleeting Time

Where does it go?!? How can it really be possible that this sweet little monkey was born almost 11 years ago?

It seems like just yesterday I was coming home from Yuma Regional Medical Center, a nervous wreck thinking I was now in charge of this little guy, thankful that my parents had made the flight from New York to Arizona to be there with Luis and I. Just yesterday...yet at the same long ago! Thankfully, Joshua survived...and two more came along...and we are so thankful to the Lord for them all. Josh turns 11 on the 23rd. He's growing up to be a fine, handsome young man!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy 2013!

Well we are now eight days into the New Year and I am already down for the count! Our family (with the exception of my middle kiddo, who is usually the one to catch any virus within 10 feet of him), has been battling a stomach bug/sinus head colds. I thought we were on the mend, and then Lily started acting up today. Time to disinfect the entire house-does Clorox make a bomb?

On a more positive note, we rang in the New Year at Redemption! As is typical of RWOC style, it was a really fun night filled with laughs, great worship and the Word and ending with fireworks (yes, INSIDE the church) and balloons dropping, confetti flying everywhere and just a great celebration! On the long list of all the great things that Redemption does well, throwing parties is somewhere on there!

In other news...Potty training started yesterday again. When I was younger, before I had children, I swore I would never bribe my kids. I have discovered over the past 11 years that I was very naive before I had children. But instead of "bribery", I like to refer to it as the "rewards system"...that way I have no guilt and sleep well at night. In the past I would "reward" Lily with candy...but she soon grew tired of the candy and realized that she could just decide she didn't want it, and waddle away victorious from the potty negotiations, Huggies on. So yesterday I decided, "new week, new attempt at making diapers history". I convinced Lily to sit on the potty again. I armed myself with exciting reading material to increase her potty exposure time, thus increasing the potential of a ripple in the commode. Page after page, second after painstaking second, I sat on the edge of the bathtub trying to make Winnie the Pooh sound even more exciting the third time around. Then in the middle of her "Where are you Going, Maisy?" lift the flap book, I had a breakthrough. No, nothing had actually happened, but I found the best bargaining chip yet. On that particular page, Maisy was going on a picnic...and Lily's face just lit up as she asked, "Mama, can WE go on a picnic?" I felt like the Grinch at that part in the movie when he gets his "wonderful awful idea". My hair may have even curled at the ends. So, for two days, I have not had to beg, threaten or carry Lily to the potty. All I have to say is "picnic" and she's on her way to the bathroom. I'm sure there are moms out there reading this right now that are just appalled at the thought of bribing a child...oh well...don't be looking for your picnic invitation in the mail!

That's about all for now. Here's wishing you a happy, safe and prosperous New Year filled with all the blessings that God has for you, and hoping Lily is potty trained before Kindergarten is supposed to start!