Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Potty Party Picnic

Ha! Try saying that three times fast...anyway, she's done it! Lily is officially diaper free! To celebrate, we went to the elementary school for a picnic and some playground fun.

It was FREEZING....well, not like winter in NY freezing, but like in the forties freezing so we only stayed about an hour. I packed sandwiches for Lily and Josh and chicken tacos for the rest of us (which were delicious!)
So the sun was going to set soon and we starting packing things up...and Lily comes running to me telling me she went poo-poo in her panties. All I could do was laugh...until I remembered I didn't bring diapers or wipes. Good-bye diaper days-you served us well, but we never want to see you again! 

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