Sunday, April 28, 2024

End of year stuff

Lily's 8th Grade dance

 Spring Formal at Gardner-Webb

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Lily's Baptism


Greater than any athletic accomplishments, more important that all the academic achievements, higher than all the accolades of being class president, beautiful, or popular are the eternal steps that we take of obedience to the Lord and walking closer with Him. 

Lily has wrestled with this decision for a few years. We told her that it was something only she could choose and when she was ready, she could let us know. About 6 months ago Lily told me she was ready. She said to sign her up the next time there would be a baptism at church. And she said, "don't let me back out when it's time". I was so excited for her. And then, all of a sudden, there were no baptisms scheduled. Our church went from advertising monthly baptisms to nothing! But I believe God's timing is perfect. A couple weeks ago, I saw out church was having another time of baptism. I signed my girl up! 

For those who really know Lily, you know that God has something special planned just for her. Every morning on the way to school, I pray with Lily that she finds the purpose for her life that day and walks in it. She has overcome some fierce battles at her young age. Satan doesn't fight for nothing. I believe she will be a warrior for the Lord and the enemy already fears her!! 

The ceremony today was beautiful. So many were baptized along with Lily. Kids, teens and adults all taking that next step. Such a beautiful thing to witness.

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Teasing Peach Blossoms

Our peach tree has the most beautiful blossoms every year, but we have yet to have a peach harvest. Either we get a late freeze that destroys the fruit or some kind of insect makes the peaches go bad. Whatever the cause, these beautiful blossoms never reach their full potential. Maybe this will be our year!

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

First game of the season!

 Jon had his first game of the Spring season tonight at Southern Wesleyan and played most of the game! He has a new Coach and he gave Jon the opportunity to play offense again. I know Jon was happy! They won 6-0. We all went and cheered him on.

Sunday, March 10, 2024


 Yesterday in the mountains I was so excited to be taking pictures of all of the flowers and foliage that was around that I completely missed something that was right next to one of the flowers. I was looking back at my photos today and saw that little guy just sitting there. His camouflage was so good that I almost missed him in the photo. I can't believe I was right there above him taking a picture and didn't even see him. Luis mentioned that he never noticed half of the flowers that I took pictures of on the trail while he was hiking. I missed things even though I was very focused on small details. It's a good reminder that we all need to refocus once in awhile.

Springtime in the mountains of North Carolina

There is something magical about Springtime. New life emerges. Buds on the trees, little flowers poking their heads up out of the ground. Rebirth. Our family was able to take a little hiatus from our daily routines and enjoy the beauty that is only about an hour north of us. We don't have many opportunities when the five of us are all able to get together. Life gets so busy and the "kids" are no longer kids anymore. 

As we were riding back, I asked each of them what their favorite part of the trip was. Josh liked just relaxing in the spacious cabin where we stayed. He has worked so hard these past four years at school. Currently has a 3.8 GPA, graduating with honors in the Exercise Science Program and as President of the Spanish National Honor Society. Intramural champions in several sports. Made some lifelong friends along the way. He needed this down time to just refresh and get ready for that final push to graduation. 

Lily loved having the "princess" master room on the second floor all to herself. The adjoining bathroom had a jacuzzi tub which she thoroughly enjoyed. Luis always calls her "princesita" so it was fitting that she got some royal treatment while we were away. Lily loves her friends and sports, but she also really loves her alone time.  She has always been someone who was able to entertain herself, and enjoy time away from everyone. Sometimes too much activity overwhelms her, so this break what just right for her.

Jonathan said the hike to the waterfall was his favorite part. We visited Pearson Falls which was only 10 minutes from our cabin. It was cloudy and overcast as it had rained that morning, but we found enough break in the clouds to take advantage of a short hike.

Luis liked walking through the small quaint town of Saluda, North Carolina. Armed with video in hand, he chronicled all of the little shops and restaurants that lined the two-block town. He also loved the hike to the falls. 

As for me, my heart is full from just having a time when all five of us could be together. It was nice just to enjoy each other's company and relax in the beautiful surroundings. I wasn't able physically to hike all the way to the waterfall, which was hard. I miss being able to do all the things I love and hope that one day I will be able to do again. I was able to stroll along the lower trail and find some Springtime beauty that I captured with my camera. Photography has always been one of my favorite hobbies. Hope you enjoy what I saw along the way.

Friday, March 1, 2024

School Days


Luis says it is those Parra genes...I beg to differ 😂. Either way, those grades are phenomenal! 

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Lily's first Junior Varsity game!


She played Center Midfield and was chosen to be the team captain. Her team won 2-0 and she got 1 assist. She was fierce on that field!!