Saturday, June 29, 2013

Fooling Around with the Camera

As I am sure you have realized by now, I am crazy about taking pictures of my family. I'm sure I go a little overboard, but someday when the kids are grown and they ask me about pictures, I will have thousands to show them. Today, I took my camera and for about an hour, I just snapped away. I think I ended up with something like 300 shots, but of course, there are only a few that are blog worthy. I have been trying to learn how to use the many features on the camera that Luis bought me a few months ago. Usually I just stick to the auto setting, and point and shoot, but I keep seeing all those dials and buttons...and I just know that they have a purpose! Anyway, here are some of my favorites.

Josh is really changing. He's still a little kid inside a bigger body. He puts up with my photo craziness. He has such a sweetness to him.

Jonathan's eyes tell so many stories. He's always thinking and watching.

He's a little mischievous sometimes....

He knows what he likes....

And he's constantly dreaming...

Lily runs the show...

Cars and skirts...

Always playing with a brother...for better or for worse...

A natural beauty....

...with a little sass...

And, of course, my collection wouldn't be complete without a few shots of the man of the house. This is what he was doing while I was clicking like a mad woman...

Studying on the computer....

While watching the news....

...and wondering when I am going to stop taking pictures and cook dinner!

And towards the end, I found him like this:

I think he gave up on me!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Take Me Out to the Ball Game!

We decided that Luis has been working so hard, that he needed a little break! So, we went to the Greenville Drive Fluor Field for a ball game. It only took him about 5 innings to fully relax :) It was a lot of fun! We parked about 10 minutes from the field, rode the trolley there and back and had a great time! Here are some pictures!

Since we bought the tickets the same day, all the seats were taken so we got lawn seats. We got there early, brought our blankets, and found a great spot!

Lily had the best seat in the park!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Last Day of School

The boys have grown and learned so much this year, and it is a bittersweet end of the year for both as they will be transitioning to new schools in the fall. It's fun to compared the first day with the last...especially with Joshua, as he has grown so much! He is wearing the same shorts in both pictures, and now he's all legs! Very proud of both boys for an excellent school year, We went to Jonathan's awards day yesterday and he we given a medallion for "A" Honor year for the entire year and a reading award. His teacher wrote him a lovely letter, and she made a point to talk to me yesterday to tell me how much she enjoyed having Jonathan is class, how smart he was, and how funny he was. We all know that Jonathan has a funny sense of humor...I just hope that it was portrayed appropriately at school! Here's a picture from yesterday's awards day.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Joshua's 5th Grade Awards Day

I was such a proud Mom today at Belton Elementary School as Josh received not only his regular yearly awards but was also chosen as the only 5th grader to receive the P.A.W.S. award for good citizenship. He receive a beautiful plaque to commemorate the award.