The boys and I went to a Christmas concert last night at Anderson University. Anderson is a private, Christian university, so the real meaning of Christmas was woven throughout the whole concert, intentionally, and without apology. It was really beautiful, yet surprisingly simple. It reminded me how the most important gift, the most precious present of the Savior sent to us, was miraculous and mighty, yet so simple. No ornaments. No decorated tree. No stockings. No warm fireplace. No ribbons or bows. No holiday feast. While those things are so beautiful, they so easily become our focus. Then, before we even realize, we fall into the trap, as beautiful as it may look on the outside, while Jesus is left out in the cold, once again. For every generation, every person in captivity, God sent us a Savior. We are just as trapped now, or maybe even more so, as the Israelites were back in the Bible days. Our trappings may look different, but they bind just the same. I have to catch myself many times during this season, regroup, and refocus on what is really important. I pray that after all is said and done, I give Jesus his rightful place this Christmas, and throughout the year.
O Come O Come Emmanuel
And ransom captive Israel
That mourn in lonely exile here
Until the Son of God appear
Rejoice, Rejoice,
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel
Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel