Friday, September 28, 2012

Dad and I, 2008

Papa and Nani with Lily Nov. 2009

My Parents on our Wedding Day 1996

Dad and I, 1996

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Act 1, Scene 1

The stage is set, the lights are dim. Your whole life has been merely a dress rehearsal for that which is to come . As you pass from this moment to the next, as you exchange the seen for the unseen, the temporal for the eternal, know that my heart aches with each thought of your absence, yet somehow swells with the hope of knowing that you will finally be home. An unexplainable peace rises from the depths of sorrow. A calm in the midst of despair. I take comfort in knowing that your last breath here will be your first, there, and the eternity that was set in your heart from before time ever was, is soon to be your reality. As the curtain falls cueing the next scene, I am overwhelmed with ovation. Bravo, my Dear, Sweet Father...Bravo.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Soccer season!

It's that time again! Look how happy Jonathan was after his first game of the season...he scored 2 goals and his team won 5-0! Way to go Bandits!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

School Days, School Days...

Here are the traditional first day of school pictures...Josh started 5th grade (his last year at the Elementary School, and Jonathan entered 2nd...his last at the primary). They were so excited that they set not one, but three different alarms so they would be sure to wake up on time for the bus that comes at the ungodly hour of 6:40am. 5am came around awful early but they were up, dressed and ready for breakfast before I even heard my first alarm...they were super excited!