Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Well, today is my first prenatal appointment with the midwife. It should be very interesting with the boys. I have already informed Josh that he will be in the waiting room for the visit, and Jonathan, well, let's just hope that his three year old mind won't remember anything when he's 20!! (Thank goodness for movable chairs that can be positioned to face "up" and not "down". haha) Anyway, I am nearly three months now, and while I probably should have had a visit already, I hemmed and hawed to find a midwife. When I had Josh, I had a female OB/Gyn, who was nice, but I basically saw her PA the whole nine months, and she showed up at the very end to catch Josh as he was coming out. Then for Jonathan, I had Edie, a certified nurses midwife (who I wish I could have bottled up and brought to SC with me!). She was fabulous, and a Christian to boot! A totally positive experience all around, which is saying a lot since I had Jonathan completely natural! So, I am trying not to compare this midwife with the last, and just hoping for something good. I don't think I am scheduled for an ultrasound today, just the basics...exam, blood work, etc...but I do want to find out what we are having asap! I know, some say that takes all the fun out of it...well, just call me a party pooper! I have not saved anything from the boys (except some 2T and up clothes)...but if we are having a girl, it's back to square one...poor thing can't be dressed in dinosaurs and race cars! I'll keep you posted on the news.

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