We spent Thanksgiving in Hilton Head at my sister's boss's beach house that's right on the ocean. It was so beautiful there, and my sister was nice enough to give us the room with the view of the sea...breath taking sunrises! My two sisters and I made the Thanksgiving meal, giving Mom a well deserved break. It turned out fabulous, and I think I am still full from three days ago! It was so nice to be with some of our NY family, and have a good, old fashioned Thanksgiving again. What a treat for our kids to spend so much time with family...we are making up for lost time! Lily has definitely been spoiled these last two weeks, and is only content when held...a habit that we will quickly have to break , especially with all of the packing that's going to need to take place.
When we got back on Saturday, we just spent time unpacking and puttered around the house. The hunters (now our regular visitors) stopped by to tell us that the are buying our house, and accepting the terms that we felt to stick with. So, we are going to be officially debt free! What a wonderful feeling it will be to have that burden lifted off of our shoulders, and we know that only the Lord could have made this all happen so quickly. We are excited to think what the future holds. Luis's brother has offered us his house for the next month until we can make other arrangements for either moving to Anderson, or staying in the lowcountry. We are still praying and seeking the Lord for His direction, but without all of our debt looming over our heads, it will be a much easier decision to make.