Sunday, November 22, 2009

God is on the move!

Here's an update on what we have been doing in the last week:
We have been enjoying our time with my Mom, Dad, sister Lisa, and her kids, Audrey and David! Yesterday our humble little home was busting at the seems with family, and I couldn't have been more happy about it! Head count: 18 for a de-lish (if I do say so myself) ham dinner. It was so nice to get to see nieces, that I haven't seen in ages, and meet their boyfriends! Luis took his final test for his first Pastor's license through the Church of God, and he passed!! He was one of only three in his class that actually passed the exam, so he is officially able to be a Pastor. Our prospective house buyers (three hunter brothers from Florida) stopped by for the third time yesterday to see our house/land again. We are going to be a little sad if this place sells because the land is so beautiful, but we hold on to that scripture in Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.", so we press on! Luis has an interview today which looks very promising, and would basically restore the salary that has was making before he was laid off. We praise God for who He is, and are eternally grateful that He is working on our behalf! There is no greater joy or excitement than following Him!

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