Saturday, September 6, 2008

Adios Hanna!

Well, Hanna came and went with not as much as a drop of rain (Not that I am complaining!). We are thankful that she decided to scoot past the Lowcountry, and now we are keeping our eye on Ike and Josephine, and praying for Florida and the gulf coast states! Come on November!! :)

Friday, September 5, 2008

Curly Sue

At dinner tonight, I caught Luis looking at me when he was supposed to be eating his chicken enchiladas. So, I grinned and answered with my usual "What?!?" He informed me that my hair reminded him of the style of the girls from the old wild west saloons. I think that was a compliment. To me it looks more like Medusa! Only in the humidity of South Carolina do I have wild and curly hair with zero effort...well, I guess we all have our crosses (haha).

Hitting the mark

Yesterday, Josh and Jonathan waited with bated breath, for the special delivery that was scheduled to arrive. Four o'clock rolled around, yet still no package. I went online to track the package for the third time that day, and reassured them that the UPS man had their surprise on his truck. They sat on the edge of their beds, where they had the best view of the driveway. Four-thirty came and went, still four-forty five their eyes lit up as they saw the giant brown delivery truck pull into their driveway. I left the package leaning on my car, as I knew that Dada would be home soon, and would delight in setting it up for the boys upon arrival. As I expected, he came up the driveway right at five fifteen, and without stepping a foot into the house, he opened the package and set up the soccer goal he had bought for his boys. The monster goal was put together in minutes flat. Dada with his boys engaged in a competitive game of "futbol". Perfect timing, as this season's first double-header game is tomorrow! Way to go SuperDad!!

Every dog has his day...every cloud has it's silver lining...and every man has his shed and tools! :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

"The Old Christine...err...Sarah"

OK, so by now, I am sure you can guess that I am pretty conservative in my overall life views. Well, it goes double for politics! Last night, I stayed up to the wee hours of the morning watching the Republican National Convention. I have to admit, I was just as impressed by Sarah Palin as were all of the talking heads on Fox news after her dynamic speech! But one thing kept bothering me the whole time I was watching her...she reminds me so much of Julia Louis-Dreyfus (Elaine from Seinfeld). Especially when she was "clarifying" many of the Obama camp questions and concerns about her experience and abilities. All in all, I like her...she seems like a smart, all-American girl-next-door type, whose convictions line up with mine. I like Elaine, too...for her quick wit and intelligent persona...even if she did bomb that IQ test that she took, pretending to be George, to help him impress his girlfriend! I hope that, in this case, fact is much better than fiction!!