Friday, March 20, 2009

I Wish I May...

Tonight Josh had his first baseball practice of the season, and Jonathan came along with me. As often is the case, Jonathan becomes bored rather quickly just sitting and watching the practices (and even games, for that matter), but tonight, he managed to keep himself happy with the hundreds of dandelions that had gone to seed. Somewhere along the way, he learned that before you blow the seeds, you have to make a wish, so he was entertaining me and the other parents around with his interesting wish requests...he started out with "I wish I was a girl like Karlita" (one of the girls from church), and it deteriorated rather quickly. With each new flower that he brought to me, I cringed at the thought of what the next wish would be. Thankfully nothing was too embarrassing, and mostly it was about having lots of candy or going to the playground. At the perfect time, Aunt Marybeth came and he switched his attention to her, and all dignity was saved...this time.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Rain drops keep falling on my head...

It has been raining a lot lately, but I am so glad. We have been really busy, and sometimes watering the garden falls by the way-side...(Thanks for the help, God!)Today, the weather broke for a few minutes, so the boys and I took a walk out back to the garden. They ran from row to row, looking to see if there is any new life in their section of the garden. Today, we discovered that the pumpkins, watermelon, broccoli and onions are growing!! I have to admit, it gives me great pleasure to see plants sprouting up, because the only time I have ever attempted a garden of any kind was when Luis and I were first married. We lived in a little (lop-sided) house in Port Royal, South Carolina. It was a quaint, one bedroom house, that couldn't have been more than 600 square feet. I tried my hand at planting tomatoes on the side of the house. I must have planted about 15 plants. I was faithful to water every day. Luis brought me some miracle grow, so I thought...hey, if a little is good, A LOT must be better! So I added some to each plant, and eagerly waited for our luscious tomatoes to grow. Well, our plants grew....and grew...and GREW! The plants almost reached the roof eaves, they were the largest, greenest most beautiful plants I had ever seen...unfortunately, we never picked a single tomato. I guess too much of a good thing isn't really good at all...must be why they say, "all things in moderation"...and why they put directions on the packages!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Giving up

The weather was absolutely perfect today, so the boys and I ventured outside after school and spent about three hours making and planting another garden. We have had a great time watching the little seedlings sprout up out of the ground. In our first garden, we have about a hundred little radish plants, and 18 pea plants, along with some onions that are coming along. Today, we went all out, and planted green beans, more onions, broccoli, sweet corn, pumpkins and watermelon. We also planted a row of sunflowers along our fence line where there is full sun all day long. Jonathan is my diligent worker. From the first shovel full of dirt to the last sprinkling of water, he's right there with me. Josh loves to play and will find any excuse to get out of "work". I will say that he did plant all his own seeds today, so that was a step in the right direction.

A few weeks ago I planted a large circle of herbs that I divided into quarters...cilantro, chives, basil and oregano. I was watering the quarters today, and I was thinking about how a few days ago, I was ready to give up on my herb garden. I had been faithful to water everyday, and still I saw no life. Then one day, after we had two days of lots of sun, the oregano had popped up out of the ground, and I had about 30 little seedlings. I remembered how I was so close to just quitting on the herbs, but now, seeing the new growth, I was so excited that I kept watering, in spite of my doubt. And the Lord gently reminded me not to give up, even when I don't see anything changing. Don't give up on people, or tasks I put my hand to do, or even myself, because he is always working things together for good, even when it seems as though nothing at all is really going on. Today, the cilantro is coming up...I can't wait for next week to see what else will grow!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Just a quick update: My appointment went great. I really liked the midwife. Got to briefly see the baby on an ultrasound, saw the heart beating and little legs. The boys were super (both waited in the waiting room watching Thomas the Train videos) and I even got to visit my friend across the street in the hospital that just had her baby. To reward the kids for excellent behavior and patience, we made a McDonald's pit stop for a burger and the playland. All in all a great day! Twelve weeks down, 28 +/- to go!!


Well, today is my first prenatal appointment with the midwife. It should be very interesting with the boys. I have already informed Josh that he will be in the waiting room for the visit, and Jonathan, well, let's just hope that his three year old mind won't remember anything when he's 20!! (Thank goodness for movable chairs that can be positioned to face "up" and not "down". haha) Anyway, I am nearly three months now, and while I probably should have had a visit already, I hemmed and hawed to find a midwife. When I had Josh, I had a female OB/Gyn, who was nice, but I basically saw her PA the whole nine months, and she showed up at the very end to catch Josh as he was coming out. Then for Jonathan, I had Edie, a certified nurses midwife (who I wish I could have bottled up and brought to SC with me!). She was fabulous, and a Christian to boot! A totally positive experience all around, which is saying a lot since I had Jonathan completely natural! So, I am trying not to compare this midwife with the last, and just hoping for something good. I don't think I am scheduled for an ultrasound today, just the basics...exam, blood work, etc...but I do want to find out what we are having asap! I know, some say that takes all the fun out of it...well, just call me a party pooper! I have not saved anything from the boys (except some 2T and up clothes)...but if we are having a girl, it's back to square one...poor thing can't be dressed in dinosaurs and race cars! I'll keep you posted on the news.