Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Just for Sarah =)

OK, most of you know I hate pictures of myself, but hey...this is probably the last time I'll be pregnant, so I guess it's in order! Here's me (and Lily) at 6 months along!

Monday, June 8, 2009


I went to see my midwife last week, and she told me that my ultrasound showed that the amnion membrane around the amniotic fluid was lower than it should have been. She was not aware of what causes this. She took me into the U/S room at the center, and she did another ultrasound. Everything looked normal, this time, so that's good. I can't believe I am in the last trimester already. Time has gone by so fast, and I am feeling great! We are all so excited to see Baby Lily. Thanks in advance for your prayers for everything to turn out just as God has planned! Love you all!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

One down...three to go...

We went up to Greenville yesterday for Luis to take the first out of four tests for his Pastoral license. Between working 40+ hours and our litttle Spanish ministry in our church, he has managed to find time to study 14 chapters, watch numerous DVD's and complete loads of homework assignments, all while fitting in time for playing baseball with the boys and taking dips in the pool. One thing is for sure, he loves to read, and learn, and that helps him tremendously! He passed the exam with flying colors!! YAY! Then we enjoyed the day in the "mountains" (more like hills, but to two little boys from the lowcountry, any slope is a mountain!). It was nice to get to meet the other students in Luis's class, and the Pastor who is teaching it. They are a group of great people. We are so excited to see what God has in store. For now, he has a rather long road ahead...keep on truckin' Luis!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Keeping up with the Jones's...

As you may remember, our "fabulous" science project of a vegetable garden didn't turn out to be all that fabulous. In fact, it's pretty pitiful, if I do say so myself. A couple weeks ago, our neighbor, who just happens to also be Luis's brother, David, borrowed Luis's tiller (which, I might add, was NOT at my disposal during my feeble attempt to prepare the land...but I'm not too bitter-haha). Anyway, here we are, three weeks later, and David's sweet corn is knee high, lush green, and growing strong. His onions have long passed mine, and his watermelons are thriving. I have to pass by his garden every time I come or go in the car, and I can almost hear the corn laughing at me when I drive by. Today, Luis decided that he would help me plant another garden, a small one on the side of the house. We went to the local feed and seed and bought some plants...Hot peppers, banana peppers, bell peppers, (are you seeing a trend?) and cucumbers. All of Luis's favorites! I ventured out to our "old" garden, and managed to find three watermelon plants that had not quite bitten the dust yet, and Luis transplanted them as well. Nothing like instant gratification, seeing all the already grown plants, green and lovely. Monday, however, they will turn into my responsibility, and I fear that my lack of a green thumb might have detrimental consequences in the not so distant future. Luis then proceeded to our back field, and tilled a HUGE rectangular plot that we will plant in the early fall. It's double the size of David's garden...which means double the amount of plants to kill...oh help!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Snapshots from a seven year old's perspective

In case you were wondering what is important to a seven year old after a day of's your answer...




more food...(This is the old La Hacienda-reborn!)

And here are some more reasons why you should never give your seven year old your camera...(nice peanut butter face!! LOL)