This last picture are Liliana's feet! Can you see her little toes??!!?? :)
So after a visit to the hospital for my ultrasound today, we found out we are having a girl! I am writing this before even telling Luis, and I can't even imagine his excitement when he gets home and we tell him. Aunt Marybeth, Nani and Papa already know, because I couldn't wait to tell them! At the appointment, Josh and Jonathan went into the room with me. Josh was mesmerized as he watched the screen. He would come over and tell me "I see the head" or I saw the baby's legs". Then, the tech turned to the boys and asked what they were hoping for...and brother or a sister? Josh piped right up and blurted out "A brother!". She turned to Jonathan, and he said "it's OK if it's a brother or a sister". Jonathan and I have been having long talks about how God sends babies, and He send what He thinks each family needs...some girls, and some boys. He had finally gotten over the "it has to be a girl" phase, and would have been happy either way. When the tech told us it was a girl, Jonathan looked at me with excitement and exclaimed "I was hoping it was a girl!" was so fun to let them be there, and see their baby sister first hand. After the ultrasound, I headed across the street to see my midwife. Josh was showing off the ultrasound pictures, and beaming when he told Leigh and Ana that he was going to have a baby sister. He was not disappointed in the least! In fact, when Ana asked him what he thought about having a baby sister, he told her "I am soooo excited!" I am still amazed, even after having two babies, to see how amazingly God fashions life together. Baby Lily is already so loved, and will be doubly protected by two big brothers, I have no doubt!