Well, we are on the thresh hold of 2010, and I can't help to reflect on all that's happened this past year. In January 2009, I had no idea that:
We would have another child, much less a daughter!
Luis would lose his job, and we would have to sell our house and land!
We would put our house on the market, and have it sell in less than 3 weeks!
We would even consider moving (again!), and to a colder climate at that!
Luis would receive his first official Pastor's license!!
My parents would be able to make a visit to SC!
There have been so many twists and turns in the road this year, and to be honest with you, I am kind of glad to say goodbye to 2009! It has been a year of stretching our faith, trusting in the Lord, not for our wants, but our needs. It has been humbling in many ways, as we have had to use food stamps and WIC for the first time ever. We couldn't afford health insurance for the children, so they have been on medicaid. We thought, when Luis lost his job, we would lose our home to the bank, and at least one car. Our biggest mistake was racking up the credit cards, and we sunk so far in debt. As I told my Mom today, I feel like I am just holding my breath, waiting until the closing for our house/land is complete and the money has been transferred. At that point, we will begin writing checks to each credit card company, and to Honda, and paying off balances IN FULL!! Hallelujah! I guess from an outside perspective, it may seem like we are losing everything, and I guess in some respects, we are in a material sense, but Luis and I can't help but think of the possibilities of living a debt free kind of life. For the first time, we will have the freedom to go where we feel God is sending us, without the worry of this debt or that payment. While we'll still owe on his car, it will be our only payment for a while (along with insurance), and really, any job would cover that. We still have days where we get frustrated...thinking about giving up our land, but thankfully, we are never both frustrated on the same day.So when one is down the other one is up, and we are able to remind each other that the Lord has better in store! Some days, Luis takes it especially hard, as he had "big plans" for this land. But, I just remind him what the Lord told him about giving "all or nothing", and that God will bless him with even more, because he was willing to give it up. So, 2010 is going to be a new year for us, in many respects. I am really excited to see what is on the way. I am trying not to have any preconceived ideas, or expectations, but rather just enjoy the ride. So here it is, my last blog entry of 2009. I hope you have enjoyed reading as much as I have enjoyed writing. As 2010 rings in, I pray for a new year of a deeper relationship with the Lord, uncompromising faith, and joying in the journey for both you and me! Love you all!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Silent Night
It's Christmas Eve, and everyone is asleep. We did things a little differently tonight. We had a nice dinner, and let the boys open gifts right after, at about nine o'clock. I know, it goes against all of the traditions...both American AND Mexican! I did, however, just stuff the stockings, so the boys and Lily will have a surprise for the morning. It has been a very quiet Christmas Eve... It's funny how when you are a kid, the holidays are so exciting...you wait and dream all year for Christmas Eve to come...all the family and excitement...and when you are an adult, it's just not the same. But, maybe, it's WE that are not the same. We have grown up, and realized that Christmas isn't a one day affair...another date penciled in on the calendar. Rather, Christmas is a state of being...a daily celebration. Rejoicing in the birth of Jesus, who left the beauty and majesty of heaven to transcend time and touch humanity for all eternity. To give us that second chance to reconnect with the Father. Last night, we turned on the TV and the "Jesus" movie was on. It's the story of the entire life of Jesus on earth, including his crucifixion, and resurrection. "Strange time of the year to watch something like that", you might be thinking, as did I, at first. But in reality, it was a perfect thing to be watching. After all, Jesus's whole mission, the whole reason he was born, was to die for us...to be that ultimate sacrifice...once and for all. Coming home in the car tonight, I was listening to Christmas Carols on the radio. One of my favorite is Silent Night. Even though it's more than 2000 years since the birth of Jesus, I can still feel the heavenly peace that songs sings of. Here are the words to that great old carol:
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born
Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth "
The last verse is my favorite. It holds such promise for us all.
Thank you, Jesus, for being the one gift that is always the perfect size, and color. You never need to be exchanged or returned. You won't break, spoil, or go out of style. You don't require assembly, and you will never be recalled. You never disappoint, and you never get old. You are just the right gift for me!
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright
Round yon Virgin Mother and Child
Holy Infant so tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace
Silent night, holy night!
Shepherds quake at the sight
Glories stream from heaven afar
Heavenly hosts sing Alleluia!
Christ, the Saviour is born
Christ, the Saviour is born
Silent night, holy night
Son of God, love's pure light
Radiant beams from Thy holy face
With the dawn of redeeming grace
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth
Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth "
The last verse is my favorite. It holds such promise for us all.
Thank you, Jesus, for being the one gift that is always the perfect size, and color. You never need to be exchanged or returned. You won't break, spoil, or go out of style. You don't require assembly, and you will never be recalled. You never disappoint, and you never get old. You are just the right gift for me!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Christmas is quickly approaching, and I can't say that I am quite ready yet. Oh, yes, the tree is up and decorated...all the ingredients for the pozole are ready to go, most of the presents are wrapped...but every room sings of "moving day" rather than Silent Night. We have boxes everywhere, the boys' loft is apart, and resting in the hallway, complete with mattress until we can find time to bring it to storage. Such a strange feeling to be packing at Christmas, but hey, I am NOT complaining!! We are SO thankful that we have a buyer for our house/land. When Luis lost his job in September, things looked pretty bleak. We talked of "plan B" in case he couldn't find a job...in case the bank took our house for lack of payment...it got pretty scary for a little bit. Little did we know that God was strategically placing all the pawns in place, knowing full well that the "check mate" was just a few obscure moves away! OK, enough of the chess metaphor. But seriously, our situation had been troublesome for some time now, and Luis and I were praying for God to give us some kind of idea, or plan, to change our financial troubles. Now, if God had told me that Luis was going to lose his job, and we would contemplate moving (again!), I suppose I would have laughed in disbelief, much like Sarah in the old testament when her husband was told that she would give birth to Isaac at the age of 90! But, as I have learned over the years, God knows all the details, and, in His wisdom, doesn't share every "crossed T and dotted i" with us for our own good! Surely we would try to get in on the action, thinking we are so savvy, and make a mess of a perfect, well thought out plan. I am so glad that God is God, and I am not, and he knows exactly how to make the right things happen, even without my help!
Friday, December 18, 2009
It's better to give than receive...
Yes, we all know that saying, but trying to convince two youngsters that truth is quite a task to undertake. Luis got out of work early today, so Josh, Jonathan and I hopped into the car, in the pouring rain, and headed to town to run some errands. Today was payday, so I was hoping to get a few things for Christmas. Money is still pretty tight these days, and we are hoping and praying that all goes well with the closing of our house. We have learned not to count our chickens before they hatch, so we are not spending any money until it's in the bank. But the boys and I ventured out anyway. They have this crazy notion that whenever we go anywhere, they are entitled to get something. It's our own fault, really, as Luis and I both love to surprise them. But "surprise" has turned into "expectation", and shopping with the boys is somewhat less than fun these days. But today, I decided that they needed to do some shopping for others, so Dad was first on the list. We wandered in and out of the very few stores we have here in Hampton, and it was so funny to watch the boys shop. They started out telling me all the things that they liked, wanted, couldn't live without...etc...so I tried to redirect their thoughts. Then they started to pick out things that "Dad would like", which in reality would have been something actually for them. Josh was convinced that Luis needed a money bank that kept a running total of all the coins it held. Jonathan just knew that Luis was dying to have the newest group of hot wheel cars. We finally managed to find something for each of them to get for Luis, and a couple other family members, and we headed home. It actually ended up being one of our best outings in a long time, and we managed to find some really neat gifts, too! I don't think I have rid the boy of the case of the greedies, but it was a step in the right direction!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Sweet tooth
Around the holidays, one of my guilty pleasures are all of the sweets that come with the season. Growing up, my Gramma "D" would always show up with an assortment of delicious desserts, a tradition that I am more than happy to keep alive. The kids and I made this one...it was a bit messy, but well worth it! The recipe was posted in the Island Packet, the newspaper from Hilton Head Island. I thought these cake truffles looked so festive, especially with their red velvet cake center.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The Next Chapter

We spent Thanksgiving in Hilton Head at my sister's boss's beach house that's right on the ocean. It was so beautiful there, and my sister was nice enough to give us the room with the view of the sea...breath taking sunrises! My two sisters and I made the Thanksgiving meal, giving Mom a well deserved break. It turned out fabulous, and I think I am still full from three days ago! It was so nice to be with some of our NY family, and have a good, old fashioned Thanksgiving again. What a treat for our kids to spend so much time with family...we are making up for lost time! Lily has definitely been spoiled these last two weeks, and is only content when held...a habit that we will quickly have to break , especially with all of the packing that's going to need to take place.
When we got back on Saturday, we just spent time unpacking and puttered around the house. The hunters (now our regular visitors) stopped by to tell us that the are buying our house, and accepting the terms that we felt to stick with. So, we are going to be officially debt free! What a wonderful feeling it will be to have that burden lifted off of our shoulders, and we know that only the Lord could have made this all happen so quickly. We are excited to think what the future holds. Luis's brother has offered us his house for the next month until we can make other arrangements for either moving to Anderson, or staying in the lowcountry. We are still praying and seeking the Lord for His direction, but without all of our debt looming over our heads, it will be a much easier decision to make.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Expecting the unexpected...
So, as our faith journey continues, we remain in awe of all that God is doing. After a fabulous day with my parents, sister, niece/nephew and kids, I came home to find a message from the realtor on my voice mail. I called him back, and he told me that the hunter/brothers made an offer on our place. The offer would completely pay the note on the house, all our credit cards, and both vehicles. Basically we would be debt free! Our house and land has not even been on the market for a month yet, the economy is in terrible shape, banks are tight-fisted with loans, and my three angels in camouflage (aka the hunters from Florida) are telling us they are ready to pay cash for our place. I am so thankful that God is not limited by man's economy, and when He wants something to happen, there isn't anyone or anything that can stand in His way. After praying about it, Luis and I feel like we are going to accept it. What a great feeling it would be to have zero debt, and own both vehicles. It looks like in January we would be able to relocate to Anderson for some Pastoral training. We are still praying about this move, as we only want to go where God wants us to be. But suffice it to say that debt free is surely in the will of God!! Luis said to call the realtor today and accept the offer if the brothers are willing to pay all closing costs and not ask for any repairs. Since their offer is a good bit below what we listed the house for, we feel like they will accept it. Oh Lord, you never cease to amaze me, and even though I know you can do anything, I still stand in awe everytime I see you make the impossible, possible!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
God is on the move!
Here's an update on what we have been doing in the last week:
We have been enjoying our time with my Mom, Dad, sister Lisa, and her kids, Audrey and David! Yesterday our humble little home was busting at the seems with family, and I couldn't have been more happy about it! Head count: 18 for a de-lish (if I do say so myself) ham dinner. It was so nice to get to see nieces, that I haven't seen in ages, and meet their boyfriends! Luis took his final test for his first Pastor's license through the Church of God, and he passed!! He was one of only three in his class that actually passed the exam, so he is officially able to be a Pastor. Our prospective house buyers (three hunter brothers from Florida) stopped by for the third time yesterday to see our house/land again. We are going to be a little sad if this place sells because the land is so beautiful, but we hold on to that scripture in Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.", so we press on! Luis has an interview today which looks very promising, and would basically restore the salary that has was making before he was laid off. We praise God for who He is, and are eternally grateful that He is working on our behalf! There is no greater joy or excitement than following Him!
We have been enjoying our time with my Mom, Dad, sister Lisa, and her kids, Audrey and David! Yesterday our humble little home was busting at the seems with family, and I couldn't have been more happy about it! Head count: 18 for a de-lish (if I do say so myself) ham dinner. It was so nice to get to see nieces, that I haven't seen in ages, and meet their boyfriends! Luis took his final test for his first Pastor's license through the Church of God, and he passed!! He was one of only three in his class that actually passed the exam, so he is officially able to be a Pastor. Our prospective house buyers (three hunter brothers from Florida) stopped by for the third time yesterday to see our house/land again. We are going to be a little sad if this place sells because the land is so beautiful, but we hold on to that scripture in Matthew 19:29 "And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life.", so we press on! Luis has an interview today which looks very promising, and would basically restore the salary that has was making before he was laid off. We praise God for who He is, and are eternally grateful that He is working on our behalf! There is no greater joy or excitement than following Him!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Well, Lily is now six weeks old, and I am starting to feel like my old self again. Lily is smiling alot lately, and "talking" more and more. She sleeps through the night from about midnight to five AM...not bad for only a month and a half! It always amazes me how much you go through after having a baby...I am so thankful for a husband who loves me in spite of all the hormonal ups and downs, and irritability from lack of a good night sleep. All things considered, I have to say that Lily has turned out to be a very tranquil girl. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she's number three, and experience has helped us to be more relaxed with her. Poor Josh got all my anxiety of being a new Mom, totally green, and knowing NOTHING about babies. I still remember when Mom called me and told me that she and Dad had prayed and felt like they were supposed to come to Arizona when Josh was due to arrive. I was excited that they wanted to come, but I didn't realize how much I was going to need Mom's amazing wisdom (after having eight babies of her own). Mom and Dad arrived in Yuma the same evening Josh was born. If she hadn't been there, I can't imagine what would have transpired in the first week. Poor Josh might not have made it...much less been properly fed and bathed! I have been truly blessed with wonderful parents!!
Fall has already hit the lowcountry, and our leaves are changing color. It's not as brilliant as a New York fall, but beautiful nonetheless. The temperatures are supposed to dip down into the thirties again tonight, but the days are just perfect! Not too hot or cold...and beautiful sunshine! I filled our home with the scents of cinnamon, pumpkin and cloves, as I prepared a pumpkin roll just for Luis. When everyone is here, he'll have to share the ones I make, and I know how much he loves them, so I thought I'd better make one in advance. Of course I have to test it, just to make sure it was good...and oh, it was!!
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Mom and Dad, sister Lisa, and possibly two of Lisa's kids. Josh and Jonathan are looking forward to a real Kellish Thanksgiving! I haven't spent thanksgiving with my parents since the November before our wedding...that's going on thirteen years! It will be so nice having a good amount (but not all...now THAT would be even better!!) of the Kellish clan together.
Well, that's about all for now. The alarm comes around much earlier these days, so I better hit the hay. Love to all!
Fall has already hit the lowcountry, and our leaves are changing color. It's not as brilliant as a New York fall, but beautiful nonetheless. The temperatures are supposed to dip down into the thirties again tonight, but the days are just perfect! Not too hot or cold...and beautiful sunshine! I filled our home with the scents of cinnamon, pumpkin and cloves, as I prepared a pumpkin roll just for Luis. When everyone is here, he'll have to share the ones I make, and I know how much he loves them, so I thought I'd better make one in advance. Of course I have to test it, just to make sure it was good...and oh, it was!!
We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of my Mom and Dad, sister Lisa, and possibly two of Lisa's kids. Josh and Jonathan are looking forward to a real Kellish Thanksgiving! I haven't spent thanksgiving with my parents since the November before our wedding...that's going on thirteen years! It will be so nice having a good amount (but not all...now THAT would be even better!!) of the Kellish clan together.
Well, that's about all for now. The alarm comes around much earlier these days, so I better hit the hay. Love to all!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
A lot has happened since I last "blogged", and I have decided that I want to get it all down in writing, because I KNOW that one day I am going to look back at this point in our lives and remember how the Lord worked a miracle.
Last Friday, Luis came home, sat me down, and told me that he lost his job. I could tell that he was shocked, as he had never been laid off like that before. The company had just had a meeting with the mechanics the week before, and praised Luis for his work, so you can imagine when the lay off came out of the blue, he was like a deer in the headlights. It's not like Luis has never been without work, but this is the first time that it has happened while I am not working. No doubt, he feels the weight of responsibility. Somehow, when it was just the two of us, and we took a step of faith going to Arizona (without set jobs or a place to live), it didn't seem as monumental as this. When you have three little sets of eyes who look to you for everything, the weight of urgency becomes all that much more heavy. So, Friday Luis and I did the only thing we knew to do...the thing that we have learned that makes the difference in every situation...we prayed!! The Lord gave us both such peace in the midst of it all, and we felt like God was moving...how, we weren't exactly sure, but we had a peace. Saturday morning, I woke up, and I totally fleshed out. I think I cried most of the day. I was angry with his former company for the way that they, once again, had "played around" with someone's life. I was angry at the fact that they seem to care so little about people, and so much about the bottom line. I was angry at a company who made promise after promise, but lacked on the follow through every time. Luis had stuck with them, even after his raise that was due never came. He saw people come and go...frequently...disgusted with the way the company treated people. My tears were mostly because I hate seeing injustice...but I have to admit that some were also tears of thinking what we were going to do now. I lost my vision for that day, and became consumed with the here and now...the unknown...the bad report, and I had no peace. Sunday morning, we got up for church, and although we were 20 minutes late, we managed to catch the last half hour of Sunday School. Every word was like honey...as if it was custom made just for us. The sermon was also spot on, and it was so accurate that Luis went up to our Pastor after just to ask him if somehow he found out about our situation, which he had not. God is so awesome, and His word is so powerful! Needless to say, I got my vision back, and Luis and I were once again at peace, knowing that God was "working all things together for good". Monday morning, Josh and I opened his Bible lesson for school, and we looked at the new scripture verse that he needed to memorize for the week...John 14:1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me (Jesus)." I just laughed, then Josh and I talked about how that applied to our family right now. That night, after Josh's baseball game, we ran to the Bi-Lo for some groceries. On the way back, we passed the West End Baptist Church, who's sign said, "Don't Worry. God has a plan." I laughed again. Thanks God...I needed that! Tuesday, Luis called the Pastor who is the instructor for his Pastor Licensing courses that he has been taking for the last year. He is one test away from his first license, which officially allows him to pastor a church. He called the Pastor to ask him to pray for us, for God's direction for our lives. At the end of the conversation, the Pastor had offered Luis a position as his assistant pastor in his church in Anderson, SC, just south of Greenville. He told the Pastor he would be praying and seeking God's face...as we only want to do exactly what God wants us to do. So, we wait, and pray and listen to hear God's voice. We don't know exactly where God is taking us, but it is exciting to see Him work. I am so thankful for His peace, for without it, I would be a basket case, no doubt. I am also so thankful for a husband that wants nothing less than the will of God for his life and the lives of his family. I am also thankful for children who have adventurous spirits, and are learning first hand how awesome it is to follow the Lord! So, for now, we are plugging along. Luis received his last paycheck yesterday, and he was offered a job yesterday as well. It only pays half of what he was making, which is not nearly enough to cover our bills, but we know God is doing something and we are watching it unfold. We went to the grocery store last night, and I started crying right there in the aisle. My sister walked in, and handed me a bag of diapers that she had just bought for Lily. And I tell you the truth...nearly everything we had on our list was on sale...and not just marked down a little, but either 2 for 1 or else a huge mark down. I cried because even there, in the middle of Bi-Lo, God was working a miracle. We checked out, with our cart overflowing, and the bill was only $88. I can not remember the last time we got out of the store for our weekly groceries and paid less than $100. Anyway, I'll be writing more as the days go on, but suffice it to say that even in the midst of the storm, God is there, and working, and so faithful. Good things are on the way, I just know it!
Last Friday, Luis came home, sat me down, and told me that he lost his job. I could tell that he was shocked, as he had never been laid off like that before. The company had just had a meeting with the mechanics the week before, and praised Luis for his work, so you can imagine when the lay off came out of the blue, he was like a deer in the headlights. It's not like Luis has never been without work, but this is the first time that it has happened while I am not working. No doubt, he feels the weight of responsibility. Somehow, when it was just the two of us, and we took a step of faith going to Arizona (without set jobs or a place to live), it didn't seem as monumental as this. When you have three little sets of eyes who look to you for everything, the weight of urgency becomes all that much more heavy. So, Friday Luis and I did the only thing we knew to do...the thing that we have learned that makes the difference in every situation...we prayed!! The Lord gave us both such peace in the midst of it all, and we felt like God was moving...how, we weren't exactly sure, but we had a peace. Saturday morning, I woke up, and I totally fleshed out. I think I cried most of the day. I was angry with his former company for the way that they, once again, had "played around" with someone's life. I was angry at the fact that they seem to care so little about people, and so much about the bottom line. I was angry at a company who made promise after promise, but lacked on the follow through every time. Luis had stuck with them, even after his raise that was due never came. He saw people come and go...frequently...disgusted with the way the company treated people. My tears were mostly because I hate seeing injustice...but I have to admit that some were also tears of thinking what we were going to do now. I lost my vision for that day, and became consumed with the here and now...the unknown...the bad report, and I had no peace. Sunday morning, we got up for church, and although we were 20 minutes late, we managed to catch the last half hour of Sunday School. Every word was like honey...as if it was custom made just for us. The sermon was also spot on, and it was so accurate that Luis went up to our Pastor after just to ask him if somehow he found out about our situation, which he had not. God is so awesome, and His word is so powerful! Needless to say, I got my vision back, and Luis and I were once again at peace, knowing that God was "working all things together for good". Monday morning, Josh and I opened his Bible lesson for school, and we looked at the new scripture verse that he needed to memorize for the week...John 14:1 "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me (Jesus)." I just laughed, then Josh and I talked about how that applied to our family right now. That night, after Josh's baseball game, we ran to the Bi-Lo for some groceries. On the way back, we passed the West End Baptist Church, who's sign said, "Don't Worry. God has a plan." I laughed again. Thanks God...I needed that! Tuesday, Luis called the Pastor who is the instructor for his Pastor Licensing courses that he has been taking for the last year. He is one test away from his first license, which officially allows him to pastor a church. He called the Pastor to ask him to pray for us, for God's direction for our lives. At the end of the conversation, the Pastor had offered Luis a position as his assistant pastor in his church in Anderson, SC, just south of Greenville. He told the Pastor he would be praying and seeking God's face...as we only want to do exactly what God wants us to do. So, we wait, and pray and listen to hear God's voice. We don't know exactly where God is taking us, but it is exciting to see Him work. I am so thankful for His peace, for without it, I would be a basket case, no doubt. I am also so thankful for a husband that wants nothing less than the will of God for his life and the lives of his family. I am also thankful for children who have adventurous spirits, and are learning first hand how awesome it is to follow the Lord! So, for now, we are plugging along. Luis received his last paycheck yesterday, and he was offered a job yesterday as well. It only pays half of what he was making, which is not nearly enough to cover our bills, but we know God is doing something and we are watching it unfold. We went to the grocery store last night, and I started crying right there in the aisle. My sister walked in, and handed me a bag of diapers that she had just bought for Lily. And I tell you the truth...nearly everything we had on our list was on sale...and not just marked down a little, but either 2 for 1 or else a huge mark down. I cried because even there, in the middle of Bi-Lo, God was working a miracle. We checked out, with our cart overflowing, and the bill was only $88. I can not remember the last time we got out of the store for our weekly groceries and paid less than $100. Anyway, I'll be writing more as the days go on, but suffice it to say that even in the midst of the storm, God is there, and working, and so faithful. Good things are on the way, I just know it!
Friday, October 16, 2009
My Brown-Eyed Girl...
Luis and I have been having the "They look blue!" "No, they look brown!" argument like we did with Jonathan. I won that one, and I am SO going to win this one as well! Leigh, one of the midwives, walked into the exam room during Lily's last check up and immediately said, "Why hello there big brown eyes!" to Lily. I just smiled with contentment and couldn't wait to tell Luis when he got home...ah...sweet victory! hahaha...but in all seriousness, her eyes really do appear to be turning brown. Here's some pictures...you won't be able to see her eyes closely enough, but she is changing so much each day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Growing by leaps and bounds...
We just came home from Lily's 3 week check up in Bamberg. It will be the last time we see Anna (my midwife and friend) in that setting, so it was a sad visit for us. Josh gave Anna an endless hug as we were leaving. I thought we were going to have to bring Anna home with us! It has been such an amazing experience having a midwife that was so awesome during every stage of pregnancy and delivery. We are truly grateful for all she has done for each of us.

Little Lily is growing! Last visit, she weighed 6lb 1oz (which was a 10 ounce drop from her birth weight). At this visit, she weighed 7 lbs and 9 ounces! And I was afraid she might not be gaining...haha. All in all, she is extremely healthy, and a very tranquil baby (except, of course, when she's hungry, then WATCH OUT!). What a joy she is!

Little Lily is growing! Last visit, she weighed 6lb 1oz (which was a 10 ounce drop from her birth weight). At this visit, she weighed 7 lbs and 9 ounces! And I was afraid she might not be gaining...haha. All in all, she is extremely healthy, and a very tranquil baby (except, of course, when she's hungry, then WATCH OUT!). What a joy she is!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Funny quotes
Here are some things that the boys have said in the last three weeks since Lily has been home....
Josh- "She's the most beautiful girl in the whole universe"
Jonathan- "Is she going to drink milk from your booty?"
Jonathan- "Then how does the peepee get out?"
Jonathan while watching Lily eat- "That's a big gallon of milk!"
Jonathan- "I want to see the poo-poo"
Me- "Do you want to change her diaper?"
Jonathan- "Gross, no way!"
Josh to our Pastor's wife in Sunday School- "She cries REALLY loud...I can hear her all the way from Mom and Dad's room to mine"
Jonathan- "Don't cry Lily, my Mom is coming"
Josh to Aunt Marybeth in the waiting room during delivery,
"I am so glad Lily is here...no school for 2 whole weeks!"
Bi-Lo Check out lady- "Can I take her home with me?"
Jonathan- "No, she's ours"
Josh- "She's the most beautiful girl in the whole universe"
Jonathan- "Is she going to drink milk from your booty?"
Jonathan- "Then how does the peepee get out?"
Jonathan while watching Lily eat- "That's a big gallon of milk!"
Jonathan- "I want to see the poo-poo"
Me- "Do you want to change her diaper?"
Jonathan- "Gross, no way!"
Josh to our Pastor's wife in Sunday School- "She cries REALLY loud...I can hear her all the way from Mom and Dad's room to mine"
Jonathan- "Don't cry Lily, my Mom is coming"
Josh to Aunt Marybeth in the waiting room during delivery,
"I am so glad Lily is here...no school for 2 whole weeks!"
Bi-Lo Check out lady- "Can I take her home with me?"
Jonathan- "No, she's ours"
Friday, October 9, 2009
Catching up
Well, I haven't been much of a blogger lately...it's not that there's not anything to say, just not a whole lot of time in which to sit down and actually put my thoughts in writing. But I have managed to find a window of time, while the boys are playing nicely in the living room, and Little Lily (who I think will always be called "Little Lily") is napping. I thought it would be nice to write about what has happened in the last 2+ weeks, and catch everyone up on the details. Then someday when I am old and gray (I am already getting gray!!) I can look back and remember this special time in our lives. So, lets go back to the night of the 19th, the day before Lily was born...
It was about 8:30pm, and I was starting to feel a little discomfort. I was sure it was the beans that I had eaten earlier, so I was taking advantage of a calm Saturday night, while Luis and the boys had called it a night very early. I was puttering around on the computer for a few hours, and with each passing hour, I noticed that my pains were a little more intense. At about 11:30, I started to think that they were real contractions, but now everyone (including my midwife) would be fast asleep, and I didn't want to wake anyone up...besides, my pains, although getting stronger, weren't less than 10 minutes apart. At about 2 AM, I tried to lay down to get some sleep, but I was restless. I did manage to sleep about 2 hours, but was awaken by ever more increasing pains that were now coming closer together. At 6:00 AM, I woke Luis, and told him that I was having pains. I then put a call in to Anna, my midwife, who told me to come into the office around 7:45. Then I called my sister, Marybeth, just to put her on alert (haha). She was going to be there with us to help with the boys until Lily arrived. So we gathered everything together, and headed up to Bamberg. When I got to the office, Anna checked me and I was already dilated 5 cm and my contractions were about every 4-5 minutes. Needless to say, this was the real thing, and she admitted my to the birthing center right then. At about 9:00AM we got the birthing room, and Lily came at 1:07 that same afternoon. In the midst of it all, God taught me a great lesson. Many of you who know me, know that I am not a big "surprise" girl. I don't like the unexpected. I don't like suspense. (Unless it's a good Alfred Hitchcock film). So for the months leading up to Lily's arrival, I was anxious about all the details concerning Lily's delivery...all the whens, wheres, and hows would keep me up at night, going around and around in my brain. Being that Luis works in Hardeeville, then travels to Savannah, Hilton Head and Beaufort from his job site, troubled me when I thought about how long it would take him to get back to his site, drop off the company truck, and then make his way to Bamberg. By the time he arrived, Lily would already be practically entering first grade! haha. But God, in all His mercy, let me go into labor on a Saturday night, and deliver on a Sunday afternoon. Luis was home. Marybeth wasn't working. There were no other families at the birthing center. My water didn't break in some inappropriate locale. I didn't have to be in labor for hours and hours on end. I didn't even need a drop of medication during the delivery. (Although towards the end, I did ask what was available...which was nothing in terms of things that would effect the baby, so I opted out!). I couldn't have asked for a smoother, more peaceful birth. God was just reminding me, once again, that He's got it. I don't need to worry. I don't need to make anything happen. I just need to do what He tells me, and leave the rest up to Him. Needless to say, I haven't mastered that test, and I am bound to repeat it again, but I am trying to keep this lesson fresh in my mind, so when the test does come, I'll be able to rest in knowing that there's nothing that God can't handle, and He already has it all planned out, so I don't need to try to be a super sleuth or anything.
Since then, life has been good. The whole family is adjusting to the lack of sleep and our beautiful new addition. I am not completely feeling like myself yet, and I have a tendency to try to push myself and do too much. Physically, I am feeling good, but my hormones and emotions are like a bouncy ball still, and I know it takes time. Luis has been so patient with me, which has been such a blessing. He's even learned how to run the dishwasher! (The first time, he forgot that he could use the top shelf, too! haha). My boys are my little sweet helpers, and love their sister so much. Joshua kept saying that Lily was the most beautiful girl in the universe! (Let's see what he says when his little sister starts getting into his "stuff")...but all in all, life is good, and sweet...and God is so faithful!
It was about 8:30pm, and I was starting to feel a little discomfort. I was sure it was the beans that I had eaten earlier, so I was taking advantage of a calm Saturday night, while Luis and the boys had called it a night very early. I was puttering around on the computer for a few hours, and with each passing hour, I noticed that my pains were a little more intense. At about 11:30, I started to think that they were real contractions, but now everyone (including my midwife) would be fast asleep, and I didn't want to wake anyone up...besides, my pains, although getting stronger, weren't less than 10 minutes apart. At about 2 AM, I tried to lay down to get some sleep, but I was restless. I did manage to sleep about 2 hours, but was awaken by ever more increasing pains that were now coming closer together. At 6:00 AM, I woke Luis, and told him that I was having pains. I then put a call in to Anna, my midwife, who told me to come into the office around 7:45. Then I called my sister, Marybeth, just to put her on alert (haha). She was going to be there with us to help with the boys until Lily arrived. So we gathered everything together, and headed up to Bamberg. When I got to the office, Anna checked me and I was already dilated 5 cm and my contractions were about every 4-5 minutes. Needless to say, this was the real thing, and she admitted my to the birthing center right then. At about 9:00AM we got the birthing room, and Lily came at 1:07 that same afternoon. In the midst of it all, God taught me a great lesson. Many of you who know me, know that I am not a big "surprise" girl. I don't like the unexpected. I don't like suspense. (Unless it's a good Alfred Hitchcock film). So for the months leading up to Lily's arrival, I was anxious about all the details concerning Lily's delivery...all the whens, wheres, and hows would keep me up at night, going around and around in my brain. Being that Luis works in Hardeeville, then travels to Savannah, Hilton Head and Beaufort from his job site, troubled me when I thought about how long it would take him to get back to his site, drop off the company truck, and then make his way to Bamberg. By the time he arrived, Lily would already be practically entering first grade! haha. But God, in all His mercy, let me go into labor on a Saturday night, and deliver on a Sunday afternoon. Luis was home. Marybeth wasn't working. There were no other families at the birthing center. My water didn't break in some inappropriate locale. I didn't have to be in labor for hours and hours on end. I didn't even need a drop of medication during the delivery. (Although towards the end, I did ask what was available...which was nothing in terms of things that would effect the baby, so I opted out!). I couldn't have asked for a smoother, more peaceful birth. God was just reminding me, once again, that He's got it. I don't need to worry. I don't need to make anything happen. I just need to do what He tells me, and leave the rest up to Him. Needless to say, I haven't mastered that test, and I am bound to repeat it again, but I am trying to keep this lesson fresh in my mind, so when the test does come, I'll be able to rest in knowing that there's nothing that God can't handle, and He already has it all planned out, so I don't need to try to be a super sleuth or anything.
Since then, life has been good. The whole family is adjusting to the lack of sleep and our beautiful new addition. I am not completely feeling like myself yet, and I have a tendency to try to push myself and do too much. Physically, I am feeling good, but my hormones and emotions are like a bouncy ball still, and I know it takes time. Luis has been so patient with me, which has been such a blessing. He's even learned how to run the dishwasher! (The first time, he forgot that he could use the top shelf, too! haha). My boys are my little sweet helpers, and love their sister so much. Joshua kept saying that Lily was the most beautiful girl in the universe! (Let's see what he says when his little sister starts getting into his "stuff")...but all in all, life is good, and sweet...and God is so faithful!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
She's here!!
Liliana Elise made her grand entrance on Sunday, Sept. 20 at 1:07 pm at the Bamberg Hospital. She weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 19 3/4 inches long. She has a beautiful head of black hair, and we are so grateful that all went even better than we expected. We are so glad to be home and are enjoying every minute together. Luis took this week off, so we are have some great quality family time, and all catching up on our rest! Here's some pictures....love to all!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
40 weeks and still counting...
Well, I have arrived at my final days...yet Little Lily has decided that she is on a time schedule all her own! I am starting to feel like I am going to be pregnant forever! I am off to Bamberg for another weekly appointment. I had a false alarm the other night...contractions every 5-6 minutes for about a half hour...then, as quickly as they started, they were gone. Hopefully this will be my final post before Lily is home with us...here's hoping!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Soccer begins
Today was the first day of games for Jonathan and Joshua. They play for Hampton-Varnville United, which is the local soccer league here in town. Jonathan is the youngest and smallest player on the team, but he scored the most goals this morning. He totalled four in all!! Way to go Jonathan! Luis, Josh and I were cheering him on from the sidelines. After each goal, Jonathan turned to wave to his "fans"...what a ham! Here's some pictures.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
39 weeks...
We went to my appointment today, but this time, we went with bags packed, baby car seat ready, and the boys' toys and snacks in tow. I guess you can say we are a little anxious to have Lily here already. When we got to the appointment, the midwife took a look with the ultrasound to see how things were looking. She has been in the head down position for 3 visits now, and today we watched her playing moving her mouth all around. Jonathan had his little hand on the screen making it look like he was touching her. The boys want to see their sister so badly. They kept asking Anna if Lily was going to "come out" today...since she's the midwife, they were convinced that she had some kind of secret connection that could tell us exactly when it would all take place. Needless to say, the boys were not thrilled to be driving back home after the appointment. They were hoping to go straight to the hospital...so the waiting continues...
Saturday, September 5, 2009
And the winner is...
Elise! Luis has conceded, and Lily's middle name will be Elise...Here's a bonus-it means "Promise of God". Very cool!
Yesterday, I was having more frequent contractions...nothing to call my midwife over, but enough to make me pack my hospital bag. Just a matter of time...tick tock...
I am officially an insomniac! I have been up since 3:30AM paying all the September bills...I figure that I might as well be productive, since the sandman and I aren't in sync!
Yesterday, I was having more frequent contractions...nothing to call my midwife over, but enough to make me pack my hospital bag. Just a matter of time...tick tock...
I am officially an insomniac! I have been up since 3:30AM paying all the September bills...I figure that I might as well be productive, since the sandman and I aren't in sync!
Friday, September 4, 2009
No pain, no gain...
Well, the last few days are setting in...I had forgotten how yucky this part was...amazing how holding a new little life has a way of erasing all the bad memories of all that came before it! God is really merciful in that way! As for right now, I am popping the Tums like there is no tomorrow, and I feel like how my Mom remembers the last part of when she carried me...holding on to the walls just to get around. I know it will all soon be a faint memory, and BELIEVE ME, I am looking forward to labor pains at this point!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Pictures of Lily's nursery
We found the sleigh style crib on Craig's list, and bought it from someone on Skidaway Island in Savannah...pretty much everything else was a gift...we have been so blessed! Check out Jonathan practicing his stroller push...could be trouble!

Do you see the little green frog in the picture? That frog was made by my sister Lisa for me probably thirty years ago now...he's one of my prized possessions...and he's held up well over the years! :)

Do you see the little green frog in the picture? That frog was made by my sister Lisa for me probably thirty years ago now...he's one of my prized possessions...and he's held up well over the years! :)
Two weeks to go, and we're still playing the name game...
OK, so we've scrapped Marie for the middle name. I love it as a middle name, for many reasons, but we have both decided that we didn't want it now. I am leaning toward Elise...which I absolutely LOVE! Luis isn't sure yet...but I think he'll come around, especially because he got to make the final decisions on the boys...it's my turn! HAHA Also, we have yet to even discuss a boy's name...I guess we are just banking on the ultrasound being accurate. When we finally talk about it, we are both lying in bed, exhausted from the day, and we fall asleep without ever deciding anything. Too funny. Oh well, it'll all work out in the end!
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Tomorrow I will be 37 weeks along, and as the days draw closer, I am feeling a bit more anxious about going into labor. It's not the actual labor that has me a little uptight, it's the fact that I have never gone into labor outside of the hospital. Since Josh and Jonathan were both induced, and I was given a date and time to show up at the hospital, it took all the suspense out of it. This time around, so far as I can tell, everything is going so normally that I will not need to be induced. While I am glad of this fact, it keeps me a little on edge. My schedule is in full swing between teaching, and soccer practice for both boys. I keep having this thought that I am going to be in the grocery store buying milk for my two "becerritos", and my water is going to break in the cereal section of
Bi-Lo...can you imagine the humilitation when they announce "Clean up on aisle 2" over the PA system, knowing it was from me!! Oh, the Hampton guardian will probably make a front page story out of it all. I am so thankful that my sister and I live in the same town. Since Luis works an hour away, she will take me to the hospital in case I can't wait on him. I know that will be a "labor of love" for her, especially with the thought of me not making it, and possibly having to give birth in her new Yukon XL, while she assists! HAHA....just kidding Marybeth...I'll do my best to not push until we hit Bamberg! I have been having lots of contractions (although nothing very regular). I am really more excited than anxious, but I would be lying if I said that there isn't a twinge now and again of "How's it going to all pan out". When I'm on the other side of it all, I'm sure there be a funny story to tell, and I'll look back and laugh...but for now, pray that I'm not sitting on the sidelines of Jonathan's first soccer game, giving birth to Little Lily who just couldn't wait any longer to see us all!
Bi-Lo...can you imagine the humilitation when they announce "Clean up on aisle 2" over the PA system, knowing it was from me!! Oh, the Hampton guardian will probably make a front page story out of it all. I am so thankful that my sister and I live in the same town. Since Luis works an hour away, she will take me to the hospital in case I can't wait on him. I know that will be a "labor of love" for her, especially with the thought of me not making it, and possibly having to give birth in her new Yukon XL, while she assists! HAHA....just kidding Marybeth...I'll do my best to not push until we hit Bamberg! I have been having lots of contractions (although nothing very regular). I am really more excited than anxious, but I would be lying if I said that there isn't a twinge now and again of "How's it going to all pan out". When I'm on the other side of it all, I'm sure there be a funny story to tell, and I'll look back and laugh...but for now, pray that I'm not sitting on the sidelines of Jonathan's first soccer game, giving birth to Little Lily who just couldn't wait any longer to see us all!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Got dirt??
..."some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants, so that they did not bear grain. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up, grew and produced a crop, multiplying thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times."
Remember our pitiful little school garden that the boys and I planted last year? Well, here are the watermelon plants now, that we transplanted into good, tilled, broken soil. Amazing the results when the ground is soft, properly watered and protected from the harsh direct sunlight. The weeds that had underground roots had been completely pulled out, the soil was turned and completely exposed so that the air, water and sunlight could penetrate places that had been hidden for years. Same plants...completely different results...what a powerful sermon in our tiny, healthy garden!

Remember our pitiful little school garden that the boys and I planted last year? Well, here are the watermelon plants now, that we transplanted into good, tilled, broken soil. Amazing the results when the ground is soft, properly watered and protected from the harsh direct sunlight. The weeds that had underground roots had been completely pulled out, the soil was turned and completely exposed so that the air, water and sunlight could penetrate places that had been hidden for years. Same plants...completely different results...what a powerful sermon in our tiny, healthy garden!
School's in session!!
Well, we have embarked on another school year here at the Parra household, and it has started with a bang! Yesterday was our official first day, and Josh woke up at 4:30 (at the sound of Luis's alarm clock). He was hungry (lately, he's ALWAYS hungry!) so he ate his cereal and hugged Dad goodbye for the day. At 5:30am, Josh decided he was too excited to wait any longer to start school. Since I was awake already, and in a semi-conscience state (haha), I seized the moment and we did Bible, Math and phonics from 5:30=7:30AM. We have NEVER done school so early...and probably will never do it so early again, ever...but the wonderful thing I have learned is that flexibility is key in homeschooling. Taking opportunity of every moment when the kids are excited to learn...use any situation to teach and train, without them even realizing that they are in "school" at the time. I am not, by nature, a very creative person, but with the Lord's help, he is stretching me as well. Josh ended up going back to bed for a couple hours after that and then we finished 2 more hours of work for the day. It was especially good for me to break up the schedule, since I get so tire towards the end of my pregnancy that naps do me a world of good when I can grab them! God is so merciful! Today we had another great day...we didn't start school until 11 and we worked until 3 with some short breaks here and there. I am so thankful that Josh has retained much of what he learned last year, and this first couple of weeks of review are boosting his confidence. He sees how much he has learned since last year, and is so proud of himself! Jonathan is unofficially in Kindergarten...since he just turned four, I decided to wait another year, but when he shows signs of wanting to learn, I jump at the chance to teach him in a fun, low keyed way. He has already learned most of his letters, and many of his sounds, so this year will really serve as a boost for his official Kindergarten year next school year.
In Josh's Bible class, we are beginning at the beginning, in Genesis, learning about Creation. I am always amazed how powerful the word of God is, even when it is brought down to a child's level. As we studied the seven days of creation, it hit me how the Lord did all of that work...all of the marvelous plants, animals, planets, seas...he spoke them all into being just for us. We are that special to him, that he spared nothing to create a place that was perfect for us. The fact that an all powerful, perfect God, would choose to do all of that for me and for you is truly awesome. What an honor that, quite frankly, I take for granted most of the time. It's so good to be reminded of how precious we really are as children of the King, and how he has and will continue to go to great lengths to draw us close to him so we can experience His presence every day, and one day, for all of eternity!
Here are some pictures of the boys on their first day of school. Enjoy!

In Josh's Bible class, we are beginning at the beginning, in Genesis, learning about Creation. I am always amazed how powerful the word of God is, even when it is brought down to a child's level. As we studied the seven days of creation, it hit me how the Lord did all of that work...all of the marvelous plants, animals, planets, seas...he spoke them all into being just for us. We are that special to him, that he spared nothing to create a place that was perfect for us. The fact that an all powerful, perfect God, would choose to do all of that for me and for you is truly awesome. What an honor that, quite frankly, I take for granted most of the time. It's so good to be reminded of how precious we really are as children of the King, and how he has and will continue to go to great lengths to draw us close to him so we can experience His presence every day, and one day, for all of eternity!
Here are some pictures of the boys on their first day of school. Enjoy!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Making a list, checking it twice...
Crib...check...Bassinett...check...stroller, car seat...check, check...diapers, wipes, creams, etc....CHECK...From what I can gather, all that's left now is to PUSH! YAY!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Let the games begin!
Well, soccer teams have been chosen, and the season is about to start. I absolutely LOVE watching the games. They can be very exciting. This is Jonathan's first season playing, and it should be interesting. He is one of the youngest players in his division (they had to be four years old by July 31, so he just made it!) At his age, there are no referees, and no throw-ins...the coaches do it all. It's mainly to teach them how to be a good teammate, and to remember which goal is theirs. (Both of which are not easy to accomplish at 4!) This is Josh's 4th season playing, and up until now, he has always had the same coach. This year, she is not able to coach, so it will be a bit of a change for all of us, but we are looking forward to his games. He is really fun to watch, and has improved a lot each season. Luis deserves much of the credit, as he is always so eager to practice with the boys, even after a hard day's work. No doubt, I'll be posting pictures soon!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Showers of blessings!
Yesterday, I had a baby shower, and we were so blessed by the wonderful time together, all the great food, and the many wonderful gifts that we received. I don't think that I have ever seen so many adorable, pink, frilly clothes in one sitting! Lily is definitely going to be a little princess! All I can say is that I hope the ultrasound was accurate!! I am thrilled about getting Lily's room ready, and the boys and I are taking on the challenge tomorrow. Along with all the clothes, we received many items that we will use to decorate her room, and make it really girly. Josh and Jonathan are really getting into all the fanfare. I have to say that they were most thrilled yesterday, because, after unpacking a stroller/carrier combo given to us by my parents ,brothers, sisters and a couple ladies from church, the boys played for hours in the huge box that it came in! Ahhh...gotta love kids and their imaginations! Here's some pictures that Marybeth took, showing some highlights from the shower. Thanks again to all who participated. We enjoyed every minute of it, and you helped to make us feel so special.

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