Well, we have embarked on another school year here at the Parra household, and it has started with a bang! Yesterday was our official first day, and Josh woke up at 4:30 (at the sound of Luis's alarm clock). He was hungry (lately, he's ALWAYS hungry!) so he ate his cereal and hugged Dad goodbye for the day. At 5:30am, Josh decided he was too excited to wait any longer to start school. Since I was awake already, and in a semi-conscience state (haha), I seized the moment and we did Bible, Math and phonics from 5:30=7:30AM. We have NEVER done school so early...and probably will never do it so early again, ever...but the wonderful thing I have learned is that flexibility is key in homeschooling. Taking opportunity of every moment when the kids are excited to learn...use any situation to teach and train, without them even realizing that they are in "school" at the time. I am not, by nature, a very creative person, but with the Lord's help, he is stretching me as well. Josh ended up going back to bed for a couple hours after that and then we finished 2 more hours of work for the day. It was especially good for me to break up the schedule, since I get so tire towards the end of my pregnancy that naps do me a world of good when I can grab them! God is so merciful! Today we had another great day...we didn't start school until 11 and we worked until 3 with some short breaks here and there. I am so thankful that Josh has retained much of what he learned last year, and this first couple of weeks of review are boosting his confidence. He sees how much he has learned since last year, and is so proud of himself! Jonathan is unofficially in Kindergarten...since he just turned four, I decided to wait another year, but when he shows signs of wanting to learn, I jump at the chance to teach him in a fun, low keyed way. He has already learned most of his letters, and many of his sounds, so this year will really serve as a boost for his official Kindergarten year next school year.
In Josh's Bible class, we are beginning at the beginning, in Genesis, learning about Creation. I am always amazed how powerful the word of God is, even when it is brought down to a child's level. As we studied the seven days of creation, it hit me how the Lord did all of that work...all of the marvelous plants, animals, planets, seas...he spoke them all into being just for us. We are that special to him, that he spared nothing to create a place that was perfect for us. The fact that an all powerful, perfect God, would choose to do all of that for me and for you is truly awesome. What an honor that, quite frankly, I take for granted most of the time. It's so good to be reminded of how precious we really are as children of the King, and how he has and will continue to go to great lengths to draw us close to him so we can experience His presence every day, and one day, for all of eternity!
Here are some pictures of the boys on their first day of school. Enjoy!

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