Wednesday, August 5, 2009

34 weeks...

We went to see Anna, one of my midwives, today for my 34 week check up. All things are going well. I lost two seems like one week, I gain two, then the next I lose them again. Overall I have gained just 6 pounds! YAY! Josh especially loves going to my doctor visits...not because he is overly enthusiastic to know how much my belly has grown, or hear his little sister's heart beat(although, he does like to hear her), but I believe he has developed a crush on Anna. He was pretty pathetic today, and milked Anna's attention for all it was worth. She probably should have charged me for 2 visits! She is so sweet, and all I can say is that Josh has good taste! Hopefully Anna can put up with us for a few more weeks!!

I have another appointment in two weeks, then I begin going every week...home stretch! I am so thankful to the Lord that I have really felt pretty good throughout this whole pregnancy. I am looking forward to my baby shower this Saturday...I really wasn't expecting to have one, since this is our third child, but between my Sissy and our Church, they decided to throw one! Such a blessing!

School is scheduled to start on August 17th, and Josh will be entering second grade. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of his textbooks and my teacher's manuals. I was thrilled to find a homeschooling association that is almost exactly the same as the one I was using for the last two years, yet charges $200/year less for tuition! I am learning how to be frugal on only one's not always easy, but Luis and I have such great goals of being debt free in a couple of years, and I know the Lord is helping us find places where we can cut back here and there.

Well, those are the tidbits for to all!

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