Monday, March 16, 2009

Rain drops keep falling on my head...

It has been raining a lot lately, but I am so glad. We have been really busy, and sometimes watering the garden falls by the way-side...(Thanks for the help, God!)Today, the weather broke for a few minutes, so the boys and I took a walk out back to the garden. They ran from row to row, looking to see if there is any new life in their section of the garden. Today, we discovered that the pumpkins, watermelon, broccoli and onions are growing!! I have to admit, it gives me great pleasure to see plants sprouting up, because the only time I have ever attempted a garden of any kind was when Luis and I were first married. We lived in a little (lop-sided) house in Port Royal, South Carolina. It was a quaint, one bedroom house, that couldn't have been more than 600 square feet. I tried my hand at planting tomatoes on the side of the house. I must have planted about 15 plants. I was faithful to water every day. Luis brought me some miracle grow, so I thought...hey, if a little is good, A LOT must be better! So I added some to each plant, and eagerly waited for our luscious tomatoes to grow. Well, our plants grew....and grew...and GREW! The plants almost reached the roof eaves, they were the largest, greenest most beautiful plants I had ever seen...unfortunately, we never picked a single tomato. I guess too much of a good thing isn't really good at all...must be why they say, "all things in moderation"...and why they put directions on the packages!


Sarah Hogan said...

We still laugh about that house. One end of the house leaned to the left and the other half leaned to the right. The toilet was so cold in the winter since the heater was in the livng room. Phillip and I roasted marshmallows between the broken pieces of glass on that furnace. It seems so long ago.

Leslie P. said...

I was a humble beginning for us, but I loved living in Port Royal, so I guess it was all worth it! The 2-story they built in its place is much nicer!