Sunday, April 5, 2009

"Ace" returns

Growing up, I seemed to be very accident prone, and many times you would find me on the couch, icing and elevating a sprained ankle. Because of my frequent mishaps, one of my brother-in-law's aptly gave me the nickname "Ace", as he hardly ever saw me without an ace bandage strapped around some part of my body. Well, it seemed as though those days were long in the past, until yesterday, when I was walking down our back porch stairs, twisted my ankle, and fell. For the first few minutes, everything hurt. Thankfully Josh and Jonathan were right there, and Josh ran to the garage to get Luis. It's always awful when someone falls, and always so much worse when they are pregnant. Luis came running, and sent Josh across the driveway to get Uncle David. Luis, who was just in the process of working on a small engine, was covered in grease on his hands. He ran inside to wash, so he could better help me get up. Laying on the ground, in severe pain, I suddenly decided I didn't want a bruised ego as well, and I managed to pull myself up onto the stairs before David arrived. Long story short, I had a bad night, with lots of pain and little sleep, and when morning came and I couldn't walk at all, I thought a trip to the hospital was the best thing. Thankfully the ER in the new Hampton hospital (which I must say is quite nice, compared to the old facility), was empty, and I had no wait whatsoever. My nurse was a former co-worker at the health department, and the x-ray tech and MD were great! Turned out only to be a bad sprain, thankfully. I am off my feet for the next couple of days, and tremendously thankful for a husband who knows how to give baths, cook, and do laundry. Josh even heated up pancakes for he and his brother this morning. What a great crew I have! I am hobbling around on crutches, but thankful that everything else seems to be alright. Grateful that the baby seems fine, and hoping to be back to my old self soon!

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