I took the boys to the dentist today. It was the first time for Jonathan, and I wasn't too sure how he was going to behave. I asked to go into the room with him, but because I had Lily with me and there are x-rays being taken close by, we were only allowed to go in up to a certain point. I stood at a window, able to see the boys who were waiting their turn in the x-ray room. Joshua entered first, leaving Jonathan out by himself in the hallway. I waved through the window to him, trying to give him a "it will be ok" smile. But, instead of waving and smiling back, he just looked around nervously. He looked my way, and I smiled again, but he did not respond. It was at that point, I realized I was looking through a one-way window. I could see him, but all he could see was a mirror reflecting his unfamiliar surroundings. Although I could see him and wanted to reassure him that everything was going to be alright, I couldn't. I was so close to him, yet he didn't even realize I was there.
I began to think about this situation...how it is often that way between us and God. We have walls that we have erected, barriers that keep us apart from his presence. He is always there, so very close, but sometimes we can't see him at all. Sometimes we feel like we are all by ourselves, in unchartered territory. It is in those times, that His word is so important to light our feet and guide our paths. It's convicting power can break through the tallest of walls, the deepest depths and widest chasms. God is always there, reassuring us, cheering us on...he is not hiding from us, but rather is waiting for us to move closer to Him so that we can have a more personal conversation. I am so thankful that God, unlike the dentist's office, does not put up barriers to keep us out, but rather builds bridges to reach beyond what we ever thought was imaginable. He is closer to us than I think we even really imagine, always at work around us.
The boys came out of the office with smiles and goodie bags filled with toothbrushes, floss and stickers. I left the office with a nugget of truth that the Lord deposited in my heart. One that I will not too quickly forget.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Divine Appointments
I am a firm believer that God has a purpose and a plan for each life. I just had lunch with a very dear friend, someone who has recently moved back to her home here in Anderson. She has gone through a lot in the past few months. It's so hard to understand why God allows things to happen in our lives. But it's such a comfort to know that he works all things together for good for those who love him. We had a special time of sharing and prayer, right here in the McDonald's playland of all places. God can even move at Ronald's house!! I am so thankful that I was here in Anderson to meet with this friend. I remember when I was in my friend's shoes and I was the one who needed the support and prayers of those around me. If my only reason for coming to Anderson was to be here for this friend, it would have been worth it all! God is so good!!
I haven't been blogging in such a long time, so I thought I would add a short entry. I am currently at our second home (McDonald's) where they have free internet. We are living with our Pastor's sister in Anderson, while we are looking for a place to live. It has taken us longer than we expected, but we are trusting the Lord. Luis has been at his new job for about a month now, and so far he is really loving it. His supervisor is a professor at the technical college here in Anderson, so it's like he is getting paid while receiving classes for free...can't beat that deal! Anderson is really beautiful. It reminds me a good bit of central New York...of course with a lot less snow! Well, I am meeting an old friend for lunch, so that's all the time I have to write. Hope everyone is doing well! I'll leave you with some recent pictures of the kids here in Anderson.

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