Thursday, March 11, 2010

I haven't been blogging in such a long time, so I thought I would add a short entry. I am currently at our second home (McDonald's) where they have free internet. We are living with our Pastor's sister in Anderson, while we are looking for a place to live. It has taken us longer than we expected, but we are trusting the Lord. Luis has been at his new job for about a month now, and so far he is really loving it. His supervisor is a professor at the technical college here in Anderson, so it's like he is getting paid while receiving classes for free...can't beat that deal! Anderson is really beautiful. It reminds me a good bit of central New York...of course with a lot less snow! Well, I am meeting an old friend for lunch, so that's all the time I have to write. Hope everyone is doing well! I'll leave you with some recent pictures of the kids here in Anderson.

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