Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh, the weather outside is frightful (ok, maybe not quite THAT bad)!

Well, it is officially FREEZING outside down here in the lowcountry! OK, it's not like a NY freezing, but hey, after 6 years in the arid Sonoran desert, where the daily highs at this time of the year are still 99, I'm COLD! We have pulled out all the San Marcos warm fuzzy blankets, and all our "winter clothes" which basically just means long sleeves...The boys are rooting for snow, but I broke it to them gently that flurries are a rare event here. I showed Josh a picture of his first snow experience...high atop Laguna Mountain in the Southern California mountains! Simply beautiful there! It's amazing to think we have been here over a year already...and even more hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. Where does the time go?!?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Take me out to the ball game...

Well, tonight was the first practice for "fall ball" as they call it here in Hampton. Josh, who is still finishing up his soccer season, with his last game this Saturday, is super excited to be able to play on his Uncle Robbie (Aunt Marybeth)'s baseball team, along side his cousin Matt. He was a little nervous thinking about playing...and it was all because of "The Machine"...sounds like something straight out of a horror movie! In actuality, it's the pitching machine. He has "graduated" from T-ball, and this is the next step up before "real" baseball. He almost decided not to play, since he was so afraid he wouldn't be able to hit the ball, or feared that the ball would hit him. He sat and watched all the kids on his teams get up there and take their turns at bat, then, at last, came the moment of truth...He got up there, and after some tips on his stance and swing, Uncle Robbie backed away...Josh got a hold of 3 out of 5 pitches, with the last hit going right up the middle of the field. He's definitely not the strongest or most talented kid on the team, but he was grinning from ear to ear when I went to tell him that he did a great job, because he knew he did something that he thought he couldn't. Our fears can really keep us from doing so much, if we let them...but when we break through those fears, there is such a thrill and sense of accomplishment! I sat back as a proud Mama tonight...proud of Josh, for not letting his fears get the best of him. I was also taking in all the sounds and activities of the ball field and practice...something that I absolutely loved as a child, and am really excited that my boys love as well!

Monday, October 13, 2008

How magnificent!

Recently, a friend of mine posted on her website, a photo from the Apple Festival in Lafayette, New York. In the background was a hill of maple trees with the most magnificent coloring. I found myself staring, in awe of what is now only a faint memory, as I have not been back home to New York in autumn since I first left in 1996. I was even caught up in the grass, which, against the blue sky and fall colored leaves, was a brilliant green, one like I have not seen in ages. When I lived my childhood and adolescence in New York, the changing of the season was just a signal that winter was on it's way. It meant raking leaves, putting down the storm windows, and getting out Gramma "D"s afghans. The colors were beautiful, but as a child, I took for granted that they would always be there, year after year. After living for twelve years, away from a climate with four distinct seasons, I found myself almost in disbelief of the photo. My memory had not served me well, and over time, I had lost the images of the things that were at one time, literally in my backyard. As I looked at the photo, I was thinking back to a time when I wandered away from the Lord. I had taken all the praise and worship for granted, all the instruction was there week in and week out. It wasn't until I finally came back to a right relationship with Christ, and saw things with wide opened eyes, that I truly witnessed the beauty of God in all His facets. It would be better if we always had the ability to appreciate what is around us...what we have been given...but sometimes, going away, rekindles the love of what once was so strong, but has been forgotten.

Friday, October 10, 2008

My little pundits

Well, I have been spending an exorbitant amount of time watching the news and following the campaign trails lately. I realized today that the boys have been paying attention, too. Josh is a complete McCain supporter, and distraught that he is not old enough to vote. We were looking at the electoral college map today, Josh smiled when he learned that South Carolina and Arizona were "red". However, he was shocked when he saw that New York was a "blue" state. He asked, "Why are Nani and Papa voting for Obama?", so I had to explain about how it all worked. Anyway, Josh easily recognizes McCain (and Obama for that matter) on TV, but I have to laugh because when President Bush comes on, and I ask him who that is, he always says George Washington. I guess that name has stuck, since we studied him earlier this school year. So today, after going through every state with Josh and seeing which are "blue" and which are "red" as of today, Jonathan informed us he was for "Rock Babama"...which got us laughing so hard (sounds like a Rap star or something)...then, realizing that he was the center of attention, he kept adding last Rock Babama Llama Cama...he is such a ham! It's good that when the world is in an economic crisis, and the election is going terrible, that we can still kick back and laugh!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Writing on the wall...

After 2 time-outs, and a stern talking to about lying, Jonathan finally came clean about the writing on his bedroom wall. However, he insisted that the last "N" was not his doing. On a positive note, I am please that he almost has his long name memorized, and just look at that penmanship!! Not bad for a three year old!! :)