Monday, October 13, 2008

How magnificent!

Recently, a friend of mine posted on her website, a photo from the Apple Festival in Lafayette, New York. In the background was a hill of maple trees with the most magnificent coloring. I found myself staring, in awe of what is now only a faint memory, as I have not been back home to New York in autumn since I first left in 1996. I was even caught up in the grass, which, against the blue sky and fall colored leaves, was a brilliant green, one like I have not seen in ages. When I lived my childhood and adolescence in New York, the changing of the season was just a signal that winter was on it's way. It meant raking leaves, putting down the storm windows, and getting out Gramma "D"s afghans. The colors were beautiful, but as a child, I took for granted that they would always be there, year after year. After living for twelve years, away from a climate with four distinct seasons, I found myself almost in disbelief of the photo. My memory had not served me well, and over time, I had lost the images of the things that were at one time, literally in my backyard. As I looked at the photo, I was thinking back to a time when I wandered away from the Lord. I had taken all the praise and worship for granted, all the instruction was there week in and week out. It wasn't until I finally came back to a right relationship with Christ, and saw things with wide opened eyes, that I truly witnessed the beauty of God in all His facets. It would be better if we always had the ability to appreciate what is around us...what we have been given...but sometimes, going away, rekindles the love of what once was so strong, but has been forgotten.

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