Friday, October 10, 2008

My little pundits

Well, I have been spending an exorbitant amount of time watching the news and following the campaign trails lately. I realized today that the boys have been paying attention, too. Josh is a complete McCain supporter, and distraught that he is not old enough to vote. We were looking at the electoral college map today, Josh smiled when he learned that South Carolina and Arizona were "red". However, he was shocked when he saw that New York was a "blue" state. He asked, "Why are Nani and Papa voting for Obama?", so I had to explain about how it all worked. Anyway, Josh easily recognizes McCain (and Obama for that matter) on TV, but I have to laugh because when President Bush comes on, and I ask him who that is, he always says George Washington. I guess that name has stuck, since we studied him earlier this school year. So today, after going through every state with Josh and seeing which are "blue" and which are "red" as of today, Jonathan informed us he was for "Rock Babama"...which got us laughing so hard (sounds like a Rap star or something)...then, realizing that he was the center of attention, he kept adding last Rock Babama Llama Cama...he is such a ham! It's good that when the world is in an economic crisis, and the election is going terrible, that we can still kick back and laugh!


Allison said...

At my schools, they do a mock election and they actually use the machines and they tally the votes. It has been an interesting way to show kids all about the voting process.
I had a student pick my brain the other day about my thoughts on the elections. It was quite interesting. I did not let him know specifically who I was voting for, but we talked about the candidates and it was pretty neat.

Leslie P. said...

Neat! Josh is looking forward to going to the polls with me on November 4th! :)