Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Clear as a bell

TRANSPARENT (definition taken from the Miriam-Webster's dictionary)

(1)having the property of transmitting light without appreciable scattering so that bodies lying beyond are seen clearly

(2) free from pretense or deceit

(3) easily detected or seen through

(4) readily understood

(5) characterized by visibility or accessibility of information especially concerning business practices

Luis had someone pay him a compliment the other day. He was told that his transparency was appreciated and refreshing. In this day and age of instantly deletable digital photos, air brushed magazine covers, and even cover-ups in the church, I am so thankful for a "what you see is what you get" Luis. We have learned over the past few years, that being transparent is a powerful thing. When we allow the real "us" to be seen, it opens the door for God to get all the glory for something only He could have done! Rather than trying to keep up the false appearances that everything is a-okay, we have learned that, albeit a vulnerable place to stand, it allows the light of the Lord to shine and illuminate the miraculous way that only He can transform a situation. I am thankful for the people God has allowed us to be in relationship with, family and friends alike, who have this same conviction of being transparent and honest. You are truly great examples to those around you, who are searching for answers in an opaque world.

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