Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A little cheese with that whine!

Is it just me, or is whining the most annoying, most irritating sound ever to pierce a mother's ears?!?! Our youngest has mastered the art, if you can call it that. Not only does he whine at the drop of a hat, he does so at the highest decibels know to man!! I think even the dogs in the neighborhood are deterred by the shrills of Jonathan whining! Apparently, he thinks it is a viable way to protest, as it is his modus operandi anytime something doesn't go his way. Don't get me wrong...he can be the sweetest kid in the world. He'll walk up to me and just give me a kiss and a hug...out of the blue. He'll tell us he loves us around the clock, and he very quick to share. But mark my words....if you cross his path in a way he thinks is unjust, prepare to be bombarded by noises that were never meant to be uttered by human lips!

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