Monday, November 24, 2008

Giving thanks

Trying to teach our kids about being thankful (grateful, content, satisfied) isn't always an easy task. We have learned this week about the first Thanksgiving, and all that was celebrated at that historic moment. Many things have change since the Mayflower hit that old Plymouth I asked the boys what things they were thankful for...

Josh's "thankful" list:

That Jonathan's not crying
My hot wheels game
Pool table
Making us our Indian vests
Matt and Robbie
My TV where I can watch cartoons
Mom's pies
Nani, Papa, all my cousins, Aunts and Uncles

Jonathan's list:
my birthday toys
Aunt MB, Uncle Robbie, Robbie, Matt, Ali
My Dada
My cat

This year, my list has really gone back towards the same simple, yet vital things that our forefathers were thankful for...peaceful journeys, food for nourishment, loving family and friends. Peace in our hearts, fresh new beginnings, and a soul at rest. Thank you all for making our life that much more enjoyable along the way. Love and blessings to you this Thanksgiving!

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