Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I have really been pondering this election outcome, and I have found myself taken aback by it all. I have a mixture of emotions as I watch everything unfolding in the world around me. I have tried to place myself in the shoes of the millions of black people that are in this country. I am thrilled that our country is becoming more and more "colorblind". What a moment in history to be alive!

I, too, know something about being a minority. I know, you are thinking, "What??" Living in San Luis, Arizona, population 25,000, and being pretty much the only white, English-as-a-primary-language resident, I got a taste of what it felt like to be odd-man-out, with little to no voice. Then I remember going to church in Mexico, and being the only American there...and when, by chance, another American would visit, I would find myself drawn to them, because of the common bond. I think that's how the majority of the black population is feeling today. I think that they are feeling empowered...that for the first time in history, they have a voice on a National scale, something they have, until now, only dreamed of. The issue that I struggle with is that sometimes, when you feel such a bond on one level, you can become indifferent to the things that really matter. I can't help but wonder how many people really looked beyond their own skin color to make this choice. I understand the power of culture...the pull that it has on humanity. I feel like many of the black people are deeply spiritual, "big faith" people. A majority have had strong Christian roots. But the excitement of this campaign has clouded their moral vision. There has been a hypnotic effect that has caused them to make choices that they normally never would have made before. I have learned through the years that we, if we truly are Christians, must not be controlled by our own human culture, but we need to be controlled by the culture of heaven...the moral standard that has been laid out before us. All of us...White, Black, Brown...need to be able to objectively look at the choices that are in front of us, and decide if we are going to be guided by the standards of the world, or the standards of the One who made the world.

The other struggle I have is that I am watching the country I love, heading in a direction that I don't like. I am watching people put the economy on a higher priority level than morality. People holding out for a hand out, rather than the satisfaction of hard work. Because of this, I am more energized then ever. I have been reminded of the urgency of the times, and the vitality of participation. We all have been given a sphere of influence. So, I am pulling my boots up, determined to let the Lord use me as He sees make an eternal difference in the world around me.

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