Friday, December 19, 2008

I Wonder as I Wander

Have you ever been wading in the ocean, walking out deeper and deeper as you face the horizon? Then, after being out there for a while, you turn around and face the shore, and you find that you have drifted far to the left or to the right of your spot on the beach. We begin to walk back toward our point of origin, now with our attention focused on a target, a definitive destination...the very thing that was lacking when we were facing the other way. Sometimes life can be that way, as well. We set out on a course that is right before us, thinking that we are completely in control, only to find that our intended course was not what was intended for us at all. We can get so caught up in the here and now. So captivated by the sights and sounds of those things that are only pleasing for a moment, but have no eternal value. Trapped by things that seem divine, at first glance, with mortal eyes.

Then, at other times, we feel as though we are drifting, wandering without a purpose or point. Our focus is fixed, yet when we momentarily shift our eyes, it seems as if we are going nowhere. Our path has taken twists and turns for no apparent reason at all. Our trek seems futile, at times, and we question each step. Then after a long time of walking, steadily fixed on the unchanging, immovable Mark, we are given a gift. We, for a moment, have the ability to see our voyage from the viewpoint of a high flying eagle. We see that the twists and turns were necessary shifts that had steered us away from danger...danger that we never even came close to...danger that we never even realized was there. And although these crooked paths made the journey a bit longer, and bit more curious, we are stronger and healthier because of them. We realize that what we perceived as walking blindly was actually a sanctuary paved through a mine field...a trail that we would not have chosen, had it been left up to us to choose. Yet every step, a precise calculation by the One who always sees the beginning from the end.

The difference in these two walks is not really in the walking at all. It lies in the point on which we are focused. The first, a vast sea of endlessness, beautiful to the eye, detrimental to the soul. The second, a firm foundation, unchanged by the rolling waves or shifting sand. Life giving, and secure.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11 (New Living Translation)

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