Sunday, December 28, 2008


I am naturally a very inquisitive person...I may be quiet, but I am one who loves details and I pick up on everything! This can be a very good quality for a forensic scientist, a detective, or some other sleuth of that sort...but when it comes to the plans of God, I have to admit my curious, logical mind sometimes gets in the way! I have improved over the years...many lessons learned...some the hard way, and, more recently, some by learning to hear and trust God's voice. It's funny how I can strive to create a plan, but when I just learn to let God direct it, something miraculous happens...and a path that wasn't even visible yesterday, suddenly emerges right in front of my eyes.

We just today became members of a church that we have been going to for about 3 months! We are already seeing God's hand opening doors that no man can shut! (Hallelujah!!) I am also praying for miracles for my extended family, both on my side and Luis's...there are so many needs...but God is more than able! He has been so gracious to us, and we are so thankful to Him. My prayer is that God helps us to be real sugar rose colored glasses...just REAL! I think the world has had enough "make it look like everything is perfect" Christians, who are really full of bitterness and empty on the inside. The time is getting short, and so many people's lives are hanging in the balance. 2009 is going to be a year of great harvest!! Get ready, get set, GO!

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