Saturday, May 9, 2009

Ode to an Angel

For all the times you were there to put your arm around me when I was feeling down,

For all the times you played "just one more game", even though you wanted to stop three games ago,

For all the times you stay up all night, praying for safety, direction, and change,

For all the times you told me the truth, even when it wasn’t what I wanted to hear,

For all the times you let me go, even when I should have stayed, knowing I would fall, but being there to help me back up again,

For each lesson taught, without saying "I told you so",

For all the long talks, belly laughs, and shared tears of joy and sorrow,

For choosing to give me life in the midst of trying times,

For all these and so much more…I am so very grateful..

For you, Mom!

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