Thursday, May 7, 2009


The boys and I were out watering the garden after school today, and they found 12 little tiny frogs. I mean like a centimeter in length, tiny. I thought it was neat when they found one...then they kept finding more...and more...So we made a terrarium out of a large glass jar, and we studied them. They were jumping and leaping all around. I have to say, they are pretty cute little guys, and the boys love them! I couldn't believe that they found so many in such a short time...then Luis came home from work and he said, "Did you hear about the plague of frogs in Georgia?" He began to tell me how there is an infestation of frogs in a certain area of Georgia...there are tons and tons of them, and are getting into people's houses. Suddenly, our new found friends didn't seem so appealing to me anymore.

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