For dinner last night, I made pinto beans to go with our fish. Lily is quickly learning how to make use of her two little bottom teeth, and she ate a whole plateful of beans. Later, while the kids were showering and getting ready for bed, Lily became very fussy. I knew it was gas from the beans, and her multiple "toots" proved that I was right. Soon her little whines became full blown screams around midnight. By 2:00am, I was ready to cry as well. At 4:00am, I was delirious with exhaustion. At 6:00am, the alarm went off, and, ready or not, the school day began! I was a little short with the kids and Luis this morning. Jonathan decided that he wanted to drag the chair all the way around the table, between the high chair and the table. It didn't fit, so he was trying to MAKE it fit, by repeatedly banging the chair on the table. Luis switched his potato chips for Cheetos, which I had planned on giving Jonathan, so HE received the "look" from me as well. Joshua chose his own clothes this morning, and to be honest, he could have left the house with a garbage bag on and I probably wouldn't have cared. We all got in the car, and the chilly morning air breathed some life into my sleepy body. I dropped the boys off at their schools, and headed home, now feeling much more awake, and even deciding to go on my morning walk instead of going home and going back to bed. So, I pulled into the driveway, got the stroller out, fastened Lily, and off we were. I do some of my best praying on my morning walks. Lily is always so happy and quiet that I can really meditate and pray about anything and everything. This morning, I found myself praying exceptionally I passed my neighbor's house, and saw that their goat, who is usually chained, wasn't. He walked right toward me...I think he thought I was just his "type". I tried yelling to scare the goat away, but he just kept coming. I clapped my hands and made loud noises, but I think all it did was egg him on. I had flashbacks to the story of my niece being gored by a goat in the thigh. The only form of protection I had was the stroller, which held my precious little gas filled baby, and even though she was the reason for my complete lack of sleep last night, I wasn't about to sacrifice her stroller with her in it to the lord of the matter how scared I was. Now, I have only been walking for like 4 weeks now, hardly enough time to lose any weight, and definitely not enough time to be in any shape to run. So, like the scared chicken that I am, I walked as fast as I could, down the hill to the end of our road. Brilliant. Instead of just turning around and going back to my house which was just two driveways away, I went down the road. My heart was beating a mile a minute, and I could hardly catch my breath. I'm sure it was the best work out I have had in a long time. At the bottom of the hill, I found a big stick, so I balanced it on the top of the stroller and headed back home. My usual two trips down and up the hill became only one this morning, and my fervent and effectual prayers were just that.
Important conclusions:
It's going to be a long time before I give Lily pinto beans again.
Sleep is a good thing, and the lack thereof is detrimental to your health.
Goats are my least favorite of God's creation, I hope there are no goats in heaven.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
I am certain that God has a great sense of humor. In my mind's eye, I can see him holding his sides, getting a good belly laugh at me, and all my antics. In keeping with that perspective, I have learned to laugh at my own life when I insist that this or that could NEVER be done, then's done. Or when I give one of those great Sarah laughs, only to find myself doing the very thing I thought was inconceivable. as a teen, I was never one to take great risks, for fear of failure, or being severely dismembered. I would always choose the "smart route"...which meant safe, familiar, and comfortable. Well, in my thirty years of being a Christian, I have learned that God rarely asks us to take the smart road. Not that God is asking us to make unintelligent choices, rather, He asks us to trust His intellect over our own. You see, we have been so tainted by the world's perspective that the things of God, the things He wants us to do, are foolishness to us. We are such logical creatures that faith has been totally thrown out the window, and when we even consider stepping out of the realm of "ordinary" we are surrounded by critics, naysayers, and people who want to have our heads examined. Let's face it, in today's world, if a man came up to us and said, "Hey, that bush over there...the one that's just spoke to me!" we would probably walk a little faster, hoping that whatever was wrong with that man was not contagious. I think that's why when God wants us to do something, we are so against the idea of doing it, rejecting even the notion of it. No one likes to look foolish, make mistakes, or be different. On a human level, we all would rather have the accolades of man over their strange looks any day. But even more than that, I desire the accolades of heaven, which are of far greater worth that anything this world has to offer. The last fourteen years, Luis and I have learned several important lessons. Here are a few off the top of my head:
Trust God over man any day-man wavers, God is our rock. ~ Believe what God says about you, not what YOU say about you (or anyone else for that matter). ~ Anything you say can and will be used against you, so best make it right, pure, lovely, etc....
So, here's our next adventure. We have been asked by the district supervisor to pastor a small Hispanic church in Greenville, SC. After much prayer and discussion with our Pastor, we accepted and we are excited! (and also a little nervous). I say that it's a Hispanic church, but to be completely accurate, it has no members. For the last few years, this church has never been able to grow for various reasons. It has never been more than 8 people strong. On the up side, we won't scare the people away! haha...but it is a great opportunity to see what it takes to start a church from the ground up. A task that is not an easy one, for sure. To learn the ins and outs, the logistics of running a church. To allow God to work through us in ways we never imagined. Our kids are just as excited as we are (which is a miracle). We have our first service on September 5, so I'll keep everyone posted on what God is doing. In the meantime, please pray for us, our family, and for God's will to be done in all that we put our hand to do.
Trust God over man any day-man wavers, God is our rock. ~ Believe what God says about you, not what YOU say about you (or anyone else for that matter). ~ Anything you say can and will be used against you, so best make it right, pure, lovely, etc....
So, here's our next adventure. We have been asked by the district supervisor to pastor a small Hispanic church in Greenville, SC. After much prayer and discussion with our Pastor, we accepted and we are excited! (and also a little nervous). I say that it's a Hispanic church, but to be completely accurate, it has no members. For the last few years, this church has never been able to grow for various reasons. It has never been more than 8 people strong. On the up side, we won't scare the people away! haha...but it is a great opportunity to see what it takes to start a church from the ground up. A task that is not an easy one, for sure. To learn the ins and outs, the logistics of running a church. To allow God to work through us in ways we never imagined. Our kids are just as excited as we are (which is a miracle). We have our first service on September 5, so I'll keep everyone posted on what God is doing. In the meantime, please pray for us, our family, and for God's will to be done in all that we put our hand to do.
Friday, August 20, 2010
I case there was any doubt...
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
A Sentimental Journey
The alarm sounded at 5:30, but I was already awake with anticipation, and anxiety. All things considered, I actually got a decent night's rest, and I was able to roll out of bed before the second alarm. As I began to dress myself, I glanced over to see Lily sleeping motionless in her crib, completely oblivious to the fact that she was going to have a whole day without the hustle and bustle of her two brothers, whom she adores. I walked out of the bedroom, and heard a loud, excited whisper coming from the loft.
"Wake up, Jonathan!!" Josh exclaimed to his little brother. "It's time to get ready for school!!"
I was actually going to let them sleep until 6:00, but there was no turning back as they threw off the covers and sprung to their feet, practically running into the living room. With eyes still half shut, they came and gave me their usually good morning hugs, but this day, they were a little tighter, and a little more energetic than usual. They sat at the table waiting for breakfast, fidgeting in their seats and talking about how much fun they were going to have. Breakfast, done. Devotion, read. Clothes, on. Lily, changed, dressed, fed. Luis, breakfast and lunch ready...everything seemed to be rolling smoothly. So far, I hadn't even gotten the least bit teary at the thought of dropping the boys off at school for their first day, ever. Backpacks in hand, they climbed in the car while I secured Lily in the back seat. I kissed Luis goodbye, and he made the rounds, praying for each one, and giving kisses. We were off!
As the miles ticked by, I noticed Josh was quiet. He looked over at me and said,
"My stomach hurts...I am a little nervous...but I am MUCH more excited than nervous."
"You sound just like I used to feel on my first day of school" I reassured him. "It will feel better as the day goes on, don't worry."
We pulled up to the drop off point, and Josh got out. He put on his back pack, grabbed his supply bag, and walked into the school. I told him goodbye, and that I loved him, but he didn't say a word. He fixed his eyes on the door, and entered a new chapter in his life.
As I pulled out of the parking lot, I choked back several tears. Jonathan was still sitting quietly in the back seat, looking at a paper that he had been coloring.
"Next stop, Marshall Primary" I said with as happy a voice as I could project, while trying not to show my tears or let my voice quiver.
"Yay!" he said, and settled into his seat and began coloring once again.
I pulled up to the drop off point for Jonathan's school, and there wasn't a teacher outside waiting, as I had anticipated. Selfishly, I wanted to just have him walk to the door from the car like Josh did, without having to get out and walk him all the way into his school. Not because it was going to be a bother, but because I feared that the longer it took for me to get him into the school, and settled, the more likely I was to start crying right there in the middle of the hallway. I looked at his little face, and said to him,
"Do you want me to walk you to your class?"
"OK, sure." he said, with a relieved look on his face.
We went and parked, and walked in together. We entered the cafeteria (the waiting place) and after hugs and kisses, he went to the table to sit and wait for his teacher. I walked out with Lily, and managed to hold back my tears until we reached the car. Driving home, I needed windshield wipers for my eyeballs! What a sentimental, emotional Mama I am. Sometimes I get so mad at myself, because it seems like the only way my body knows how to express emotion is through tears. But then, I remember that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and for some reason, God has given me a tender heart. Instead of fighting it, I need to just learn to appreciate it, for there are far worse things.
So here I am...sitting at the kitchen table, with little Lily in her highchair beside me. I can hear each tick of the clock. I have a million and one things I could be doing right now, but I wanted to write every last detail down from this very special morning. I miss my boys already, and from now until 2:50 seems like an eternity. I still have teary eyes, and I feel as emotional as I did when I was pregnant. I feel much like Josh did ths morning, sick and excited all wrapped up in a neat little ball int he pit of my stomach. I know the boys are having a great time, making new friends is something that comes very easy to both of them. As for me, I am going to enjoy a cup of coffee, and some Lily time.

"Wake up, Jonathan!!" Josh exclaimed to his little brother. "It's time to get ready for school!!"
I was actually going to let them sleep until 6:00, but there was no turning back as they threw off the covers and sprung to their feet, practically running into the living room. With eyes still half shut, they came and gave me their usually good morning hugs, but this day, they were a little tighter, and a little more energetic than usual. They sat at the table waiting for breakfast, fidgeting in their seats and talking about how much fun they were going to have. Breakfast, done. Devotion, read. Clothes, on. Lily, changed, dressed, fed. Luis, breakfast and lunch ready...everything seemed to be rolling smoothly. So far, I hadn't even gotten the least bit teary at the thought of dropping the boys off at school for their first day, ever. Backpacks in hand, they climbed in the car while I secured Lily in the back seat. I kissed Luis goodbye, and he made the rounds, praying for each one, and giving kisses. We were off!
As the miles ticked by, I noticed Josh was quiet. He looked over at me and said,
"My stomach hurts...I am a little nervous...but I am MUCH more excited than nervous."
"You sound just like I used to feel on my first day of school" I reassured him. "It will feel better as the day goes on, don't worry."
We pulled up to the drop off point, and Josh got out. He put on his back pack, grabbed his supply bag, and walked into the school. I told him goodbye, and that I loved him, but he didn't say a word. He fixed his eyes on the door, and entered a new chapter in his life.
As I pulled out of the parking lot, I choked back several tears. Jonathan was still sitting quietly in the back seat, looking at a paper that he had been coloring.
"Next stop, Marshall Primary" I said with as happy a voice as I could project, while trying not to show my tears or let my voice quiver.
"Yay!" he said, and settled into his seat and began coloring once again.
I pulled up to the drop off point for Jonathan's school, and there wasn't a teacher outside waiting, as I had anticipated. Selfishly, I wanted to just have him walk to the door from the car like Josh did, without having to get out and walk him all the way into his school. Not because it was going to be a bother, but because I feared that the longer it took for me to get him into the school, and settled, the more likely I was to start crying right there in the middle of the hallway. I looked at his little face, and said to him,
"Do you want me to walk you to your class?"
"OK, sure." he said, with a relieved look on his face.
We went and parked, and walked in together. We entered the cafeteria (the waiting place) and after hugs and kisses, he went to the table to sit and wait for his teacher. I walked out with Lily, and managed to hold back my tears until we reached the car. Driving home, I needed windshield wipers for my eyeballs! What a sentimental, emotional Mama I am. Sometimes I get so mad at myself, because it seems like the only way my body knows how to express emotion is through tears. But then, I remember that I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and for some reason, God has given me a tender heart. Instead of fighting it, I need to just learn to appreciate it, for there are far worse things.
So here I am...sitting at the kitchen table, with little Lily in her highchair beside me. I can hear each tick of the clock. I have a million and one things I could be doing right now, but I wanted to write every last detail down from this very special morning. I miss my boys already, and from now until 2:50 seems like an eternity. I still have teary eyes, and I feel as emotional as I did when I was pregnant. I feel much like Josh did ths morning, sick and excited all wrapped up in a neat little ball int he pit of my stomach. I know the boys are having a great time, making new friends is something that comes very easy to both of them. As for me, I am going to enjoy a cup of coffee, and some Lily time.
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Wow...been a while since my last post!! We have been super busy these last few weeks and lots of excitement around the Parra Hacienda. School is about to start...three more days and the boys will begin in Belton. They are VERY excited...I am, well, excited, yet nervous, but I know all is well! We have already met their teachers, toured their schools, and purchased everything from khaki pants to jumbo glue sticks! As most of you know, I have very overactive tear ducts (thanks, Dad!), and I have already shed tears in front of Josh's teacher. Yes, I am going to be known as the emotional Mom...oh well...I was just fine, until she asked me if it was going to be difficult sending the boys to school (after homeschooling for three years) made me remember how my Mom used to take my temperature when I felt sick, and when she said, "Well, you have a fever", I would start crying, feeling so bad for myself...emotions...gotta love 'em...
The boys are handling it much better than I am, except Josh told me the other day that he's going to miss being with his brother all day. How sweet is that! They have been together for five years, non and night...for better AND for worse! haha...
So, we have been getting ready for school and soccer to start. We are also praying about a new door that has been presented to us (more on that one later), and getting ready for the Hispanic Campmeeting that will take place at our church in a few weeks!I get to take a break from the piano and sing with the Praise and Worship group, which I am really looking forward to! Lily is growing by leaps and bounds and we are excitedly anticipating her birthday in September. I can't believe she is almost one! She is such a blessing! She now has two teeth, with two more on the way, and she is crawling and pulling herself up on her crib. Lookout world...her curly locks are growing, and I am determined NOT to cut them...EVER...well, maybe a trim, but not for a VERY long time. Luis is plugging away at work and his courses...always taking advantage of every opportunity to better his skill at work.
Well, this entry is kind of sporadic, but that's how life has been lately. Hopefully, when we get back on schedule, my blogging with settle in again as well.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
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