Monday, January 26, 2009

Game Boys

We are a game family. The boys love it when I say, "who wants to play a game?" just like my Mom used to say to me. They squeal with joy and run to the game cabinet and rummage through the many games that we have to find just the right one. They have several favorites...Sorry, Guess Who (Josh's recent birthday gift from Papa and Nani) and Perfection (from Aunt MB and Uncle Robbie). They also like Candyland, Trouble, and Yahtzee. Most of those I had as a child, and it gives me great pleasure to see the boys enjoy them as much as I did. Mom and I usually played Scrabble, which Mom always won, and probably still would today. Some of my other childhood favorites were Mousetrap, Life, Operation and Trivial Pursuit. Gramma "D" would often play card games with us like Gin, Spit, War and Spite and Malice (nice names) was fun playing until we were old enough to realize that Gram cheated. Anyway, we somehow managed to have lots of fun in the pre-Nintendo/xbox/PlayStation era!

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