Sunday, January 25, 2009

The joy of giving

Josh received some birthday money this past week, and he has been walking around with it ever since. It's probably the most money he's ever called "his own", albeit, not a very large quantity to you or me. Nevertheless, he has been so excited, thinking about what he might buy with his money. Well, today at church, he leaned over to me and told me he wanted to put a third of what he got in the offering. I told him that it was his money, and it was up to him how he used it (within reason, of course). I could tell during the prayer he was going back and forth in his mind as to what he should do about the offering. As the usher approached our row, I saw Josh move to the edge of our pew, and place his money inside the plate. Then he came back down and sat next to me. He leaned over and said, "I really wanted to keep that money". I told him how when God tells us to give, it is a good thing, and we need to ask God to help us to give with a happiness, not with regret. About five minutes later, Josh leaned over to me and said with a smile from ear to ear, "My heart feels really good inside". After service in the car, I told Luis, in front of Josh, what had happened. Luis asked Josh to tell him how it made him feel to give to the Lord out of his own money. Josh told him, "My tummy feels like it is full of good, and not bad anymore".

Isn't it funny how kids can simplify the issues that we as adults can really confuse? Josh learned a good lesson today, about sowing and reaping. I learned once again that God is always after anything in our heart that might come before Him, and to never underestimate the ability for God to talk to and teach anyone, even the littlest of his creation. What an awesome thing that the God of the universe cares so much for each one of us.

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