Well, here they are...the infamous "baby eating...whatever" pictures! As I was snapping these pictures of my sweet Lily, I started wondering, "Why do we do this?" I mean, why do we think it's necessary to take a picture of our little precious wonders, covered in food? Is this cultural? I wonder if the prim and proper English have this same need to preserve their carrot-coated beauties forever in film? Maybe it's that we just ADORE our kids, and every new stage is something to never forget. Even though all of our other kids have done the exact same thing. And so have everyone else's kids. Yet, we all smile, and chuckle when we look back at the photos, as if it was something fabulously unique to our little genius. As Solomon recorded in Ecclesiastes, there is "Nothing new under the sun". Although his perspective was a futile one, he has a great point! Nothing happens to us, that hasn't happened to someone else, somewhere, at some point in history. That's really amazing when you think about it. And, to me, it provides me with a sense of comfort that there are others out there that have experienced my same joys and heartaches, ups and downs...I am not alone! So, sit back, and smile at my little Lily, covered in carrots and bananas...and remember that nothing that happens to you or I today or tomorrow takes God by surprise, nothing blows His theology, nothing knocks Him off His throne. Nothing.
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