Sunday, June 19, 2011

It's my potty and I'll cry if I want to....

I was in Walmart tonight with Jonathan, and we were in the baby section. Of course, diapers and wipes were on the list...they are ALWAYS on the list. It's hard to believe that my little Lily is almost 2. I walked past the potty aisle, and decided it was time. I found the cutest little green frog potty, and from the looks of the happy girl in the picture, it's the best potty in the whole world! When I got home, I made a huge deal about the potty. I told Lily how it was "the special potty just for her". I placed it on the wall opposite the "big potty". I sat down in the bathroom, and Lily crawled up in my lap. She just stared at those big froggy eyes while they stared right back at her. By this time, Jonathan wandered in to join the potty party. Of course, Jonathan asked if he could try out the potty. He looked at my expression, and realized that this was not a community frog. So, since he couldn't use the potty, and it was obvious to all of us that Lily had no interest in it whatsoever, Jonathan decided to make the frog talk. Then he got a brilliant idea to make the frog growl and leap toward his little sister. Lily climbed up me like a tree. Great. Good thing I picked up a giant sized box of Huggies tonight, too.
This potty is for the birds....


GrossoSpace said...

Oh my...that's an adorable potty! Although I had to chuckle at what Jonathan did, I'm sure he was only trying to help in the situation LOL. I'm sure it's so different to train a girl then it is for boys...I will need some tips when it comes time for my little guy :)

Anonymous said...

Love this! Hopefully Lily will cooperate soon - make one of her dolls go potty in it - does she have a Betsy Wetsy? haha.


lkparra said...

Michelle, I have to admit, I laughed too. Jonathan is my comdedian, and it's hard to keep a straight face around him! MB, the rubber ducky was our demonstration device-I thought it was perfect, and water shoots out very effectively.....unfortunately, Lily thinks the potty now belongs to the ducky. LOL