Thursday, July 3, 2008

Egg fettish

We are an "egg" family! We love to eat scrambled eggs in the morning. Usually Luis buys the 5 dozen box when he goes to the store, and it lasts us roughly two weeks. That's ALOT of eggs!! Well, my neighbor, across the dirt road, just happens to be my husband's brother. He has, among other animals, a bunch of chickens. So, you'd think, the "egg" family would be in heaven, right?? Wrong. For some reason, I can't eat those eggs. I don't know if it's because I actually see how nasty chicken really are...scratching in the dirt, eating ANYTHING (even cooked chicken-now that's just not right!!)...but for some reason, I have this mental thing going on, that won't allow me to eat the eggs. I have gone so far as to even crack and whip the eggs...but end up throwing them away before they hit the skillet! Luis keeps telling me that he wants to build a chicken coop and have chickens of our own. The children squeal with excitement at the thought of having their very own chickens, just like Uncle David...Three against one...but I am holding my ground. I know that if I give in, I will have to smuggle in eggs from the outside world, if I ever want "normal" eggs again. And I have this sneaky suspicion that the chicken breasts and thighs that I buy would soon become a thing of the past...and the chicken axe and plucking feathers are not something I even want to begin to think about!!!

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