Monday, July 21, 2008

End of the snake saga

On Saturday, we all went over to David's to tidy up the place. Luis was cutting the grass, and the kids and I were tending the animals. I opened the shed door, and found my "friend" again. This time, I was so glad that Luis was there, and I am happy to report that the snake is no more! It took some fancy foot work, and the help of Luis's pole saw, but he was able to cut the monster right in half. (Sorry to all you PETA people, but we had to do what we had to do!) After dividing the snake, Luis brought it out where the boys could take a look at it. Turned out to be one fat rat snake about 5 feet long and about 3 inches in diameter. We were amazed to watch the thing continue to twist and turn (without its head) for about 20 minutes! Jonathan did NOT like the snake, to say the least, and Josh was fascinated, but leery as well (even with no head!) I am just glad it's finally gone...but as long as there are chickens around, I am sure there are more snakes lurking in the shadows. The good news is, David, and Grandma Carmen are coming back next week, so my tour of duty is almost done!!

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