Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Yay Josh!

Tonight, we took Joshua to his first Hampton Youth Little League trophy night at the ball fields. He was so excited, and a bit nervous, since he had never been to one before. He asked me lots of questions all day, like "Where will I stand and what do I do?" and "What if I drop my trophy?". I could tell the anxiety was getting the best of him when, about a half hour before we left, he said, "Mom, can you just go get the trophy for me?" Poor kid...he's a lot like I used to be. He's come out of his shell immensely since we moved back to South Carolina and he has gotten involved in children's church and the local sports leagues. Nevertheless, he still is a bit shy, which in a way, I am glad. He's such a cutie! (I know, I am a little bias!!) I'll be glad if the shyness stays with him through his teen age years and early twenties. I think that will save us all a lot of heartache. Anyway, all of his anxiety ended after the approximately ten minute "ceremony" was over. He shook hands with his coach correctly, and didn't drop his trophy! The night was a complete success! :)

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