Being a northern girl, I had a lot to learn about life in South Carolina. Down here, the tea is SWEET, the terrain is flat, and phrases like "y'all", "might could", and "I reckon", are the norm. Fast-food is anything but fast. Hurricane evacuations consist horrid gas station lines, and bare grocery store shelves. They have humidity that could take your breath away, and gnats that could almost carry you away! The South, however has its share of well known icons…miles of beautiful shoreline, Southern hospitality, and yes, Nascar.
Recently, my boys have developed the “fever”. There is no cure that I have found as of yet. The symptoms are unmistakable. Anything that can be raced in our house will do…laundry baskets, toilet paper rolls, and marbles…even blueberries! (however I don’t recommend this, especially on carpet). The boys have their favorite “number shirts”…Josh-Blue 88, and Jonathan red-48. If the number shirts happen to be in the dirty clothes pile, they will write numbers on paper and beg me to duct tape them to whatever shirt they are wearing. "Because", as they explain, "you have to have a number to race!" In our house, we have a hallway that is the ideal racetrack, so they say. The only problem is, they can’t fit side by side in the hall with their make shift, laundry basket racers. But, as we all know, Nascar, without the crashes, isn’t Nascar! One of our frequent stops when we are out and about in our town is the dollar store that is close to our house. They have the greatest selection of matchbox cars, and the price is right. The boys beam when I let them get a box of “number cars”. The other day, we were looking through the DVDs in the store, and we came across a whole stack of, yes, you guessed it…Nascar DVDs. Well, you would have thought I had told my kids we were off to Disney world. It was the best $1.50 I have spent in a long time! Last night, after prayers, stories, and being tucked in, the boys asked if they could watch their sacred DVD, to which I gave in. They were sitting on the edge of their bed, eyes glued to the screen. Jonathan was explaining to Josh that Jimmy Johnson drove the #48 Lowe's car, not Jeff Gordon. Finally, the two drifted off to sleep…with visions spin outs, pit crews and checkered flags no doubt!
Yesterday, in church, the message was about persevering…and at one point, the gentleman speaking actually worked “Boogedy, boogedy, boogedy!” into his sermon. Yes, I think my boys will fit in just fine down here in the South.
Recently, my boys have developed the “fever”. There is no cure that I have found as of yet. The symptoms are unmistakable. Anything that can be raced in our house will do…laundry baskets, toilet paper rolls, and marbles…even blueberries! (however I don’t recommend this, especially on carpet). The boys have their favorite “number shirts”…Josh-Blue 88, and Jonathan red-48. If the number shirts happen to be in the dirty clothes pile, they will write numbers on paper and beg me to duct tape them to whatever shirt they are wearing. "Because", as they explain, "you have to have a number to race!" In our house, we have a hallway that is the ideal racetrack, so they say. The only problem is, they can’t fit side by side in the hall with their make shift, laundry basket racers. But, as we all know, Nascar, without the crashes, isn’t Nascar! One of our frequent stops when we are out and about in our town is the dollar store that is close to our house. They have the greatest selection of matchbox cars, and the price is right. The boys beam when I let them get a box of “number cars”. The other day, we were looking through the DVDs in the store, and we came across a whole stack of, yes, you guessed it…Nascar DVDs. Well, you would have thought I had told my kids we were off to Disney world. It was the best $1.50 I have spent in a long time! Last night, after prayers, stories, and being tucked in, the boys asked if they could watch their sacred DVD, to which I gave in. They were sitting on the edge of their bed, eyes glued to the screen. Jonathan was explaining to Josh that Jimmy Johnson drove the #48 Lowe's car, not Jeff Gordon. Finally, the two drifted off to sleep…with visions spin outs, pit crews and checkered flags no doubt!
Yesterday, in church, the message was about persevering…and at one point, the gentleman speaking actually worked “Boogedy, boogedy, boogedy!” into his sermon. Yes, I think my boys will fit in just fine down here in the South.
1 comment:
This is hilarious! :)
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