Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feeding frenzy

I grew up in a family of ten, where my mother made a real dinner every night...I mean a real dinner...complete with every food group! She never made the same meal twice in one week, that I can remember! And if my memory serves me correctly, we all devoured pretty much what ever Mom made...we rarely turned our noses up to anything (unless it was the occasionally vegetable that we didn't like, which is pretty normal in any family!) Well, I have come up against a brick wall with Joshua! The boys are at opposite ends of the spectrum in their tastes. It's hard to find a meal that Jonathan won't eat, and hard to find one that Josh will! Luckily, Luis seems to like anything and everything. But finding something that Josh will eat is a constant challenge. Breakfast I have got under control...they both love their pancakes and scrambled eggs, which I make almost daily. Jonathan takes grits with his plain eggs and pancakes, and Josh likes his eggs with ketchup, no grits. I can even get them to eat cereal if need be, and there's no battle. Lunch is usually fine...soup, sandwich, some kind of fruit, milk...no problems. When it comes down to dinner, our main meal together, that's where the fun begins. Anything with a corn tortilla is out, in Josh's book. Basically, Josh is not a fan of any Mexican food. So staples like beans, that I cook a pot at a time, don't go over very well. We just studied in Science about our tongues and taste buds. I did the fun taste test of being blind folded, and holding your nose and trying to figure out what you are eating. So, this past week, I have forced Josh to eat his veggies, and told him if he really doesn't like the taste, to just hold his nose. So far so good. Unfortunately, he is such a picky eater that he is holding his nose at almost every dinner. Oh well, we won't be eating out at any five star establishments any time soon. I so hope this is just a phase!

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